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10 Funniest Quotes From Ticket To Paradise


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Reunited once again on the big screen, George Clooney stars alongside Julia Roberts in Ticket To Paradise. The rom-com sees the divorced couple having to put aside their differences as they come together for their daughter’s wedding.

At the heart of the movie is a theme of love and the things people have to (and want to) do for those they hold dearest. Clooney and Roberts portray a hilarious twosome whose love has been lost, but their commonality of caring about their daughter comes first. With plenty of mishaps along the way, the whole cast provides a wholesome viewing, with an abundance of funny quotes throughout.


11/11 “Hello! A Little Help Down Here!”


Wren’s personality was of the fun, reliable friend that lived her life to the full, even if it didn’t work out right. Going to Bali with Lily, they made a perfect friendship that kept each other balanced out.

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When Lily first meets Gede, the two friends are rescued by him. But, Gede’s fixation with Lily meant that Wren gets left in the water a little longer than she should have, resulting in her quote. Her gentle but firm statement is typical of her humorous personality. She wasn’t trying to be rude, but also, the poor woman was struggling and needed a hand.

10/11 “Just Leave The Bottle.”


9/11 George Clooney and Julia Roberts on a boat in Bali in Ticket To Paradise

George Clooney is no stranger to playing romantic roles, however, it’s made evident from the outset that David and Georgia didn’t end on great terms and still have negative feelings towards one another. Unknowingly, they are booked on the same flight and in seats next to each other.

After some comments between the two of them, the air hostess walks by, offering glasses of champagne, but without missing a beat David swiftly delivers his hilarious line, indicating he knows it’s going to be a long flight because of the bickering between him and his ex-wife. Passengers would usually politely accept or decline a glass of champagne, but that’s exactly what makes the line even funnier.

8/11 “You Speak English!”


Before realizing he would be seated near Georgia, David meets a stranger on the plane, whom he doesn’t want to talk to. So he pretends he doesn’t speak English.

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Once Georgia arrives, he can’t keep up the facade, leaving Beth-Ann shocked to discover he’d been lying. Her outburst is so funny because the audience are well aware that David can speak English perfectly well and Beth had no idea. It outs his unwillingness to engage with the seemingly nice passenger, which he probably would’ve wanted to keep up the whole time.

7/11 “I Wasn’t Asleep, I Was Attacking You.”


Julia Roberts and George Clooney make for a brilliantly funny divorced couple, who outwardly make unsubtle digs toward one another. Even though they’d been separated for some time, their past means they knew each other well enough to make comments.

When David claims that Georgia did “sleep karate” whilst they were together, she pointed out that the sleep was just a guise for her attacking him. It’s a great quote because David thought he’d be able to embarrass Georgia, by showing her how she slept. But, his naive mistake led him to walk right into Georgia’s sharp response, having the opposite effect David was hoping for. With quick wit and great characterization, it may eventually rank as one of Julia Roberts’ best movies to date.

6/11 “Can’t Believe I Got Bit By A Dolphin.”


Considering the main part of the film is set in Bali, it’s certainly a movie that could make you want to travel the world. The group decides to take a trip out to sea, with the prospect of getting in the clear water. Once they spot dolphins, they couldn’t resist, but David is very reluctant to do so.

Upon everyone else’s encouragement, he jumps in only to get hurt by a dolphin. His quote is one of the funniest because he didn’t even want to get in the sea in the first place. Everyone else was having a great time, but David found himself injured. Turns out he was right to not want to get into the sea.

5/11 “Which One?”


An easy night out turned to alcohol-fueled games, which Georgia and David seemed pretty au fait with. Lily, Wren, and Gede couldn’t (or had no intention of) keep up with the divorcees.

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A game of beer pong saw the drinking continue and David’s quote indicated how drunk they had become. With only one cup available to throw to, he still questions which one he should aim for, as he was seeing more cups than were present. It was a lighthearted but funny moment, showing that perhaps neither of them were as capable of drinking a lot as they thought, but it gave the audience a good chuckle.

4/11 “I Am Praying For An Asteroid.”

LilyKaitlyn Dever and Maxime Bouttier sitting next to each other with locals standing behind them in Ticket To Paradise

She may love her parents dearly, but Lily feels embarrassed when her mum and dad have too much to drink and find themselves being the most lively people around.

Seemingly, Wren enjoys seeing Georgia and David dancing about, but Lily swoops in with her quote, which may have been laced with discomfort for her, but it was a brilliantly funny line for the audience. She feels like she is witnessing the most awkward moment in the world and the only thing that could change it would be an asteroid. Her extreme wish is also a superbly funny contrast to Wren’s joy.

3/11 “I’m So Touched And Nauseous Right Now.”


A heavy night of drinking left Georgia feeling the effects the next morning. But, in a joyous attempt to surprise her, Paul decides to propose.

It may not have been the best movie marriage proposal of all time, but Georgia’s following quote was a great comic line because it’s not what would normally be heard after a proposal, and it probably wasn’t the kind of response Paul was hoping for. Her hangover had gotten the better of her, and she wasn’t prepared for a proposal. Still, she did try to express her gratitude, but that’s not all she was feeling at that moment.

2/11 “It’s Actually Just A Curtain Between Us So I Heard All That.”


Paul is a kind, harmless character that unfortunately got caught between Georgia and David’s unfinished business. He is loving towards Georgia and certainly shows he is committed to her.

After he winds up injured and in hospital, the others are talking about him, thinking he can’t hear. But, as he swiftly points out, it’s only a curtain between them, so he heard every word. Paul is such a soft character that he didn’t want to offend anyone, but his statement was pretty funny. He was in a bad way as it was, the last thing he needed was people talking about him.

1/11 “I’m Way Too Young And Gorgeous To Be An Aunt.”


Wren was very supportive of her close friend Lily throughout the movie. Their friendship was a highlight of Ticket To Paradise, as the two were different, but had a strong bond.

Towards the end of the movie, Wren encourages her friend to be careful with her new husband, stating how she’s not quite ready to be an aunt to any children. It’s a typical Wren quote, and her funny approach to a private matter makes it hilarious. The question is usually whether a couple are ready to be parents. F or Wren, she also wanted to make her stance known, in a lighthearted, humorous way.

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