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10 Reasons Why Robyn Brown Doesn’t Deserve Her Villain Status


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  • Robyn Brown, a wife on the reality TV show Sister Wives, has been seen as a villain by some viewers.
  • A closer look at her actions and intentions shows that she is not entirely a villain, as she has been dedicated to her relationship with Kody and supported him emotionally.
  • Robyn has advocated for fairness among the wives and tried to keep the Brown family together, handling criticism with grace and not demonizing Kody despite conflicts.

Robyn Brown has been consistently ridiculed for her role in Sister Wives and the Brown family, but she doesn’t deserve her villain status. As the fourth wife of patriarch Kody Brown, Robyn disrupted the family unit by becoming Kody’s favorite partner. She and Kody were legally married on December 11, 2014, after Meri Brown divorced Kody so he could adopt Robyn’s children from a previous marriage. While relations with Kody’s ex-wives were already strained, the introduction of Robyn caused a rift in his marriages with Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, and Meri due to allegations of favoritism.

Conflicts in Kody’s first three marriages came to a head during the COVID-19 pandemic when Kody prioritized his time with Robyn’s children. His physical connection to Janelle, Meri, and Christine had also waned, with Robyn being the only wife he remained attracted to. While Robyn has often been villified for this shift, it’s not completely her fault that Kody loved his newest wife the most. Ahead of Sister Wives season 19, it’s time to explore why Robyn isn’t all bad.


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10 Robyn Has Shown Commitment To Her Family

She’s Family-Oriented

While Robyn was villified for tearing the Brown family apart, she also consistently showed her commitment to her family. In navigating the complexities of a plural family, Robyn tried to be a mediator and advocate for open communication among her former sister wives and their children. However, her attempts often failed. Her efforts extend beyond mere caregiving; Robyn prioritizes emotional support for her biological children and stepchildren, providing comfort and strength during challenging times within the family.

Robyn and Kody are currently in a monogamous relationship, but this wasn’t by design. For Robyn, polygamy isn’t just a lifestyle choice but a spiritual responsibility. Robyn’s beliefs underscore her conviction that polygamy, when approached with honesty and respect, can foster a close-knit family structure, evident in how she cared for her extended family before the ex-wives left the Brown family unit.

9 Robyn Is A Supportive Wife To Kody

She Seems To Truly Love Him

Robyn’s role as a supportive wife to Kody is evident in various aspects of their relationship, reflecting her commitment to their family dynamic. She has been vocal about her dedication to Kody. She used to uphold their plural family structure. In an interview with People from 2023, Robyn stated, “I’m not going anywhere. We’re sticking this out. We’re figuring this out,” amid his divorces from Meri, Christine, and Janelle. During the most turbulent times, Robyn has expressed admiration for Kody’s leadership, and her role in supporting his decisions.

I’m not going anywhere. We’re sticking this out. We’re figuring this out.”

Furthermore, Robyn showed support through practical means, such as mediating with her former sister wives and ensuring that each family member’s needs were considered. While she got a bad reputation, Robyn was a stabilizing force within the family, offering emotional support and practical guidance during challenging times. This behavior helped Kody to balance his relationships.

8 Robyn And Kody Are Aligned In Decision-Making

They’re A Unified Front

For better or worse, Robyn and Kody have frequently been a unified front in terms of their decision-making processes. One notable example is their joint stance on family matters, where both have been aligned in prioritizing their children’s well-being and educational choices, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Robyn was criticized for taking up too much of Kody’s time during the pandemic, with the couple citing social distancing and health protocols as the reason why. While controversial, it’s important for spouses to be aligned in their actions and beliefs.

Kody and Robyn’s personalities were more suited to each other than his other wives, leading to the disintegration of his spiritual unions with Meri, Janelle and Christine.

Robyn and Kody’s collaborative efforts have also been evident in financial decisions, including investments and property management. They often strategize together to secure the family’s future. The Brown family finances were in flux after Janelle, Christine, and Meri separated themselves from Kody. Robyn was instrumental in making the process go relatively smoothly by providing support.

7 Robyn Is Emotionally Supportive

She Is Highly Empathetic

While Robyn has a propensity towards tears, leading to the nickname “Sobbin’ Robyn,” her heightened emotions are just an indication of her big heart. Notably, Robyn played a supportive role during Meri’s initial marital challenges with Kody after the catfishing scandal. Robyn was shown on Sister Wives listening attentively to Meri’s concerns and offering compassionate responses. This showed Robyn’s willingness to be there for her during difficult times.

Additionally, Robyn has displayed emotional support in parenting situations, comforting her children and addressing their emotional needs with sensitivity. She also cared deeply for Janelle, Meri, and Christine’s children during the early years of her union with Kody. This was especially apparent when she looked after Paedon Brown when she felt that Meri wasn’t treating him well. While relations are now strained, Robyn’s emotional support is a huge asset and negates her villain edit.

6 Robyn Is A Loving Parent To All The Brown Children

She Was Committed To Polygamy

Robyn was accused of favoring her own children over the Brown family unit as a whole, and while this has been true on many occasions, she’s also shown her love for all the Brown children. Paedon Brown alleged that Meri repeatedly mistreated him and his siblings over the years. However, Robyn was the one to step in and alert Kody to the situation. “I will never hate Robyn because she opened several eyes and because of that, I will never hate her,” Paedon said in an interview, according to People.

After having experienced a negative relationship, she knew how to find other negative relationships. Robyn probably saved several of our lives. Not definitely, but very maybe.

Robyn may have been able to spot signs of abuse because of her previous marriage. “After having experienced a negative relationship, she knew how to find other negative relationships. Robyn probably saved several of our lives. Not definitely, but very maybe,” Paedon continued in his interview. Robyn is an extraordinarily empathetic person, and her care for Paedon and his siblings exemplified her ability to feel deeply for the other Brown children.

5 Robyn Advocated For Fairness Among The Wives

She Wanted Them To Be Equal

Robyn has been single-handedly accused of ruining Kody’s marriages with Janelle, Meri, and Christine, but she actually advocated for fairness among the wives up until the issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. She definitely had her priorities and kids at the forefront, but Kody was the one who was really responsible for the unfair treatment of the other wives. She implored Kody to make amends with Meri until late 2023, and didn’t take sides. In fact, Robyn commented that Kody’s treatment of Meri “[felt] like a dealbreaker,” as reported by Today.

It isn’t Robyn’s job to wrangle Kody, and she isn’t responsible for his feelings or actions. While she wasn’t innocent in his separations from Janelle, Meri, and Christine, Kody was the one pushing the other wives away. Robyn emphasized the importance of polygamy and wanted to make her faith work.

4 Robyn Handles Criticism With Grace

She Doesn’t Like To Get Too Nasty

Where Kody’s emotions often get the best of him, Robyn remains fairly calm and cool while receiving criticism, although she sometimes cries. While Robyn made nasty comments about the other wives’ weights in the past, she usually doesn’t go low. In fact, she’s been accused of playing the victim, which adds to her villain stereotype. However, when dealing with her own criticisms, Robyn doesn’t always play into getting rude. She prefers to let Kody do her dirty work.

This behavior could be considered manipulative, or it could be a reflection of Robyn’s desire to take the high road in conflicts. She already knew she had a target on her back being Kody’s favorite wife, and wanted to downplay any potential villainy. However, it’s always a noble effort, especially working in reality TV for a decade, to handle criticism gracefully.

3 Robyn Is Dedicated To Sister Wives

She’s Been Spotted Filming Season 19

Robyn might have been at the root of Kody’s failed marriages, but she has remained dedicated to staying on Sister Wives, a long-term endeavor which airs all of her personal issues with Kody and others. Starring in the show has enabled the Brown family to live less frugally. For example, due to fame, they can secure brand deals and garner large social media followings.

Robyn has been spotted filming Sister Wives season 19 alongside Kody and her daughter, Aurora Brown, meaning she’s stayed committed to her role as a reality TV star. She’s been extremely open with her life since appearing on the show. This openness includes discussing her feelings about joining the Brown family, dealing with issues related to polygamy, and sharing her pregnancy and childbirth experiences.

2 Robyn Doesn’t Demonize Kody

She Respects And Honors Their Relationship

Robyn has consistently shown respect for Kody and avoided demonizing him in various ways. During Sister Wives season 16, Robyn supported Kody’s strict COVID-19 protocols despite the division they caused within the family. She helped him to protect his children by maintaining some physical distance. Unlike his ex-wives, Robyn often speaks positively about Kody, highlighting his role as a father and husband. However, this was easy to do when she was the only wife not being mistreated.

In times of conflict, Robyn tended to take a mediating stance. Until Kody separated from his other wives, Robyn always emphasized the need to understand Kody’s perspective. Obviously, this has backfired immensely, but she had good intentions. Kody’s relationship with his children, especially the late Garrison Brown, was heavily impacted by his absence. This makes him easy to demonize. However, Robyn has stood by his side through all the fallout.

1 Robyn Tried To Keep The Brown Family Together

Kody Tore The Family Apart

While Kody’s feelings for Robyn ultimately tore the Brown family apart, Robyn tried her best to keep the Brown family together. She used to advocate for regular family meetings and open communication. She wanted to address issues and strengthen familial bonds. Her emphasis on togetherness was evident in her encouragement of family activities and her belief in the importance of staying united despite the complexities of their plural marriage. However, their polygamous lifestyle was destined to end in monogamy.

It’s easy to categorize Robyn as a villain, and much of the criticism surrounding her is valid. However, a lot of the commentary surrounding Robyn’s actions ultimately reflects poorly on Kody. He preferred her to the rest of his wives and made decisions accordingly. Robyn tried to keep the family together for as long as she could, ultimately prioritizing safety over fairness during the pandemic. Robyn deserves some flack, but she’s not always a cold-hearted villain on Sister Wives.

Sister Wives

is available to stream on Discovery Plus and MAX.

Source: People, People

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