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10 Ways Star Wars Would Have Changed If Padmé Was A Jedi Too


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  • If Padmé Amidala had been a Jedi, it would have had significant implications for Star Wars.
  • Padmé may have recognized Anakin’s fall to the dark side sooner.
  • Anakin might have been less afraid of Padmé’s death if she also had the Force.

While Padmé Amidala’s influence on the entire Star Wars franchise has already been tremendous, it would have been even greater had she been a Jedi too. The development of Padmé and Anakin Skywalker’s romantic relationship is one of the most influential events in Star Wars movies and TV shows. In fact, their marriage has continued to have a lasting impact in the Star Wars timeline, as their children, Luke and Leia, and their grandchild, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, remained major players in the galaxy’s most important events.

While their impact cannot be denied, had Padmé been a Jedi alongside Anakin, Star Wars would have looked remarkably different. In fact, it is because of Padmé’s massive impact on the galaxy through her roles as Queen of Naboo and Senator of Naboo that this would have altered Star Wars so greatly. Specifically, had Padmé been a Jedi, Star Wars would have been changed in these 10 key ways.

10 Anakin And Padmé May Have Never Been Married

Anakin Was Willing To Defy The Order, But Padmé May Not Have Been

Had Padmé also been a Jedi, her relationship with Anakin may have looked quite different. While, presumably, they would still have developed romantic feelings for one another, Padmé may have been much less willing than Anakin was to defy the Jedi Order. Throughout the prequel trilogy and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Padmé proved herself to be incredibly loyal and, typically, a rule follower. In light of that, she may not have wanted to defy the Order in such a significant way.

Rather, Padmé and Anakin’s relationship may have looked much more like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze’s in The Clone Wars, loving one another from a distance but never taking that final step. In that case, Padmé and Anakin would never have been married, which in turn may have meant Luke and Leia never being born. Were that the case, the galaxy would have lost two of its most important Rebel fighters, making the Empire even harder to stop.

9 Naboo Might Have Fallen To The Neimoidians Without Padmé As Queen

Padmé Was Essential In Protecting Naboo

In truth, Padmé’s influence went far beyond her role as Anakin’s wife and Luke and Leia’s mother. Her importance was established in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace when, at just 14 years old, she was Queen of Naboo. The Phantom Menace even focused predominantly on her story, as she was seeking to save her planet from the Neimoidians who had created a blockade and were attempting to take over.

Although the Jedi did play a key role in stopping the Neimoidians, it was Padmé who truly saved the day, calling upon the Gungans to join the fight. Had Padmé instead been a Jedi, it’s unclear what Naboo would have done when facing the Neimoidians. What is clear, though, is that Naboo would not have their fearless, dedicated queen, perhaps meaning the planet would have fallen.

8 Padmé Would Have Sought Yoda’s Guidance

Padmé Would Have Gone To The Council With Her Concerns

If Padmé and Anakin had developed their relationship after all, Padmé would have been much more likely to seek Yoda’s help as a Jedi. Although Anakin sought Yoda’s guidance, he wasn’t fully forthcoming about the depths of his love for Padmé or his fear, which limited Yoda’s ability to truly help. Padmé, in contrast, would likely have revealed the full truth to Yoda, not wanting to entirely betray the Jedi.

This would have made a massive difference in the larger Star Wars story. Yoda handled Anakin’s concerns poorly in part because he didn’t understand how grave the situation really was. With Padmé’s insights regarding Anakin’s nightmares and his violent outbursts such as his massacre of the Tusken Raiders, Yoda and the Jedi Council would likely have taken these threats more seriously, perhaps even stopping Anakin before he went further down the dark path.

Yoda handled Anakin’s concerns poorly in part because he didn’t understand how grave the situation really was.

7 Padmé Could Have Sensed The Growing Darkness In Anakin

Padmé Saw Concerning Behaviors, But She Didn’t Sense The Dark Side

As a Jedi, Padmé may have also sensed the dark side in Anakin, perhaps intervening early enough to prevent him from fully turning. In the prequel trilogy and The Clone Wars, Padmé obviously recognized Anakin’s concerning behavior, ranging from his attack on the Tusken Raiders to his intense jealousy of Padmé’s old love interest Rush Clovis. However, she was clearly shocked to discover that he had fully turned to the dark side in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.

Knowing that Anakin was moving closer and closer to the dark side would undoubtedly have changed Padmé’s response to such events, most notably her underwhelming reaction to Anakin’s slaughter of the Tusken Raiders. Rather, she may have sought Obi-Wan and Yoda’s advice directly. Of course, even Obi-Wan did not recognize the growing darkness in Anakin, but no one was closer to Anakin than Padmé, making her much more likely to sense the dark side in him.

6 Anakin Might Have Been Less Afraid Of Padmé’s Death If She Also Had The Force

Anakin Became Desperate To Save Padmé’s Life, Pushing Him To The Dark

One of the most significant defining moments in Anakin’s fall to the dark side was his intense paranoia about Padmé dying in childbirth. Just as Anakin had visions of his mother dying (that tragically came true), he began to be haunted by nightmares of Padmé’s death. This fear of losing her became great enough that he was willing to betray everything he believed in and kill innocent younglings in an effort to save her.

However, had Padmé been a Jedi too, Anakin may not have been as obsessed with saving her. With the Force, Padmé would presumably have been much more equipped in the face of any danger, and Anakin would have been much less concerned with protecting her. This would have made a massive difference, as it was truly his fear of losing Padmé that solidified Anakin’s fall to the dark side.

5 Padmé May Have Been Able To Stop Anakin (Even If It Meant Killing Him)

It May Have Been Padmé—Not Obi-Wan–Fighting Anakin On Mustafar

Had Padmé been a Jedi, it may also have been her—not Obi-Wan—who confronted and battled Anakin on Mustafar. In fact, even without Padmé being a Jedi, George Lucas considered this twist in Revenge of the Sith, with concept art showing Padmé on Mustafar, wielding a knife as she stood before Anakin. This would have been an astonishing change to the story, and it would have made Padmé’s character remarkably different.

This also would have given Padmé much more agency, as, rather than standing on Mustafar begging Anakin to run away with her, Padmé would have taken matters into her own hands, confirming that doing right was more important to her than even love was. Of course, this would have also meant that Anakin and Obi-Wan’s epic battle on Mustafar wouldn’t have happened, which is perhaps the single most celebrated of all the lightsaber battles in Star Wars. Even so, it would have been incredible to see this fight.

4 With The Force, Padmé May Have Survived Childbirth And Raised The Twins

Padmé’s Death Remains A Mystery To A Certain Degree

Leia Organa

Rebel Alliance, New Republic, Resistance

Padmé’s death remains controversial in the franchise, especially because the idea that she died of a broken heart (although not confirmed to be the reason) is such a disservice to her character. While it remains unclear precisely what her cause of death was, Revenge of the Sith does confirm that she lost the will to live. This is incongruent with the bravery and fortitude Padmé showed throughout the prequel trilogy, so an alteration to this ending would be more than welcome.


19 Years After Revenge Of The Sith, I’m Still Convinced Padme’s Death Was A Big Mistake

While Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is an excellent movie, the manner of Padme’s death was nevertheless a major mistake in Star Wars.

If Padmé was a Jedi, it’s unlikely her story would have ended in this way. Instead, if Padmé was one of the survivors of Orer 66, it’s likely she would have been a key member of the Rebellion, perhaps even unifying with other Jedi and plotting to take down the Empire. Even if she died during Order 66, though, this would have been a much better ending for the character.

3 Palpatine Would Have Needed To Kill Padmé Himself

Padmé Would Have Been A Much Bigger Threat As A Jedi

Padmé was already a massive threat to Palpatine and his long-term plan even without being a Jedi. In fact, in Revenge of the Sith, she began to suspect that the Republic had become corrupt, even bringing these concerns to Anakin’s attention. Moreover, dating all the way back to The Phantom Menace, Padmé gave Palpatine more trouble than he anticipated; he assured the Neimoidians that she would be easy to manipulate, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth.

A deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith also reveals that Padmé essentially started the Rebellion. Had she lived and, even more troublesome for Palpatine, been a Jedi, she would have been an incredible threat to the Empire. In light of that, Palpatine would likely have needed to kill her himself; after all, multiple assassination attempts on her life had already failed, not only in the prequel trilogy but also in The Clone Wars.

2 Luke And Leia Would Have Known Darth Vader Was Their Father…And May Not Have Wanted To Save Him

Being Raised By Padmé May Have Changed Luke’s Perspective

Assuming Padmé was a Jedi and survived Order 66 and her confrontation with Anakin in Revenge of the Sith, she likely would have been the one to raise Luke and Leia. This would have had major implications for the fate of the galaxy, as it’s unclear what this would mean for Luke becoming a Jedi and both Luke and Leia joining the Rebellion. However, it’s most likely that Padmé would have trained Luke herself in this case (and Leia as well), and she undoubtedly would have raised them to be Rebels alongside her.

This would have also altered the twins’ perceptions of their father, perhaps changing Luke’s mind about Darth Vader still having good in him. Yes, Padmé also believed that there was still good in Anakin, and she may have even told the twins as much, but Luke had no idea what Vader had done to his mother when he saved him in Return of the Jedi. It may have been a much harder sell to convince Luke that Vader was still good had he known he choked his mother, let alone learning about his role in Order 66.

1 Padmé Could Have Been The True Chosen One

It Could Have Been Padmé Who Brought Balance To The Force

Had Padmé been a Jedi, she may even have turned out to be the true Chosen One. The Chosen One prophecy is a fascinating part of Star Wars, especially the prequel trilogy, as it’s long been debated whether it was Luke or Anakin who fulfilled it. In the end, it really was Anakin, as he returned to the light side of the Force and killed the Sith Lord, Palpatine. However, if Padmé was a Jedi in Revenge of the Sith, she may have been the one to bring balance.

While this would have required Padmé to destroy Palpatine and destroy or turn Anakin, she may have been able to do so. It’s unclear how powerful Padmé would be as a Jedi, but few would be more likely than her to successfully turn Anakin back to the light, and she would have had the element of surprise when attacking him on Mustafar. Moreover, Padmé wouldn’t have needed to kill Palpatine single-handedly; rather, she could have led the Rebellion, eventually destroying him. Truly, Padmé Amidala being a Jedi would have completely reshaped Star Wars, changing the galaxy forever.

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