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15 Most Memorable Bridgerton Quotes


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  • Lady Whistledown knows everyone’s secrets – her eloquence and influence make her a formidable force in London’s high society gossip scene.
  • Edmund Bridgerton’s wisdom lives on – his advice to show all sides of yourself to someone you care for resonates with his children.
  • Eloise challenges society’s norms – her desire for more than a life as just a wife and mother inspires women to seek more in life.

Bridgerton is a delightful amalgam of the old and new, and viewers love watching the spicy Regency-era drama with these memorable quotes. The series follows the Bridgerton family and the eight siblings that make it up as they fall in love. Each season of the series spotlights a different sibling and a different romance trope, making the show feel more like an anthology despite its serial nature. The show has demonstrated the Regency era versions of fake dating (Daphne and Simon), enemies to lovers (Anthony and Kate), and friends to lovers (Colin and Penelope).

Shonda Rhimes’ reimagined historical drama is something new, unlike other stuffy and chaste players in the same genre. Even the dialogue in the show isn’t uptight – the mix of old-world niceties with modern manners is surprisingly pleasant and highly addictive. Lady Whistledown’s naughty magniloquence, Eloise’s hilarious one-liners, and Daphne and Simon’s ardent speeches kept fans hooked to the period drama, and even offered nuggets of wisdom on several occasions. A few of these Bridgerton quotes stood out and stayed in audiences’ minds.


Bridgerton Season 1 Ending Explained (In Detail)

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“My Name Is Lady Whistledown. You Do Not Know Me, And Never Shall. But Be Forewarned Dear Reader, I Certainly Know You.”

Lady Whistledown

Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton

The mysterious gossip columnist of London’s high society had her eye on everyone and a way with words starting with the very first episode of the show. Nobody could quite figure out who the eloquent and omniscient Lady Whistledown was and how she had access to every secret and scandal in the ton. She made it her duty to report on every aspect of gossip, even gossip that might mar her own reputation.

The columnist also knew her power and wasn’t scared to assert it over the rest of the milieu. She was intent on keeping her identity confidential but wasn’t afraid to use her influence to make things happen in the city. Her old-style fluency and literary poise were unforgettable, which made sense since she was one of the smartest characters in Bridgerton.

“You Cannot Show Someone Your Best Without Allowing Them To See Your Worst.”

Edmund Bridgerton

Edmund and Anthony Hunting on Bridgerton

The Bridgerton patriarch is dead before the events of the series take place, and Bridgerton Season 2 reveals just what the circumstances are that lead to his demise. He clearly leaves a lasting impression on his children as they each deal with the trauma of losing their father throughout the show, particularly Anthony. Witnessing his father’s death is very traumatic, but Edmund also has some wise words for his children to carry with them in the flashbacks that introduce him to the audience.

It’s interesting that Edmund encourages his family members to be themselves when they care for someone because debuting in society, as Daphne and Eloise find, is all about presenting a particular package to eligible suitors. Clearly, Edmund wasn’t so concerned about his sons or daughters marrying strategically since he and Violet were friends who fell in love.

“Why Must Our Only Options Be To Squawk And Settle Or To Never Leave The Nest? What If I Want To Fly?”

Eloise Bridgerton

Francesca looking at Eloise talking in Bridgerton Season 1 Episode 1

Vivacious Eloise Bridgerton made no bones about her views on London society right from the start of the show – women were treated like objects to be exchanged in marriage and weren’t ever encouraged to do anything beyond settling down with a husband, or staying a spinster with their parents. Eloise believed the women of the ton were trapped, though she didn’t have much knowledge of women who lived and worked outside of the ton.

Still, she wanted to do much more, like the men of the ton who had a universe of options ahead of them when they came of age. Eloise often discussed her ambitions beyond just marriage with Penelope, hoping to inspire other women to take a stand and claim their rights. Her journey introduced her to some radical thinkers in season 2 and almost got her in trouble with the queen.

“It Is You I Cannot Sacrifice. I Burn… For You.”

Daphne Bridgerton

Simon Leading Daphne by the Hand in Bridgerton

Perhaps the most popular quote from Bridgerton that became a rage all over the internet, Daphne said this to Simon soon after they got married. Despite being in love, the two were only married in name and didn’t share a relation beyond the titles of husband and wife. Neither of them could see that their feelings were reciprocated at first, believing their marriage to be a forced on to save Daphne’s reputation (and by extension, her sisters’).

When the passion they had for each other became too much to ignore, she said these words to the Duke. The chemistry between the Duke and Daphne was absolutely scintillating, and this proclamation of affection led to the long-waited union between the Diamond of the Season and the coveted former bachelor. Daphne and Simon were clearly soulmates.

“You Are The Bane Of My Existence And The Object Of All My Desires.”

Anthony Bridgerton

Simone Ashley as Kate Sharma and Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton Almost Kissing in Bridgerton Season 2

When Anthony and Kate meet in Season 2, there’s an obvious attraction despite them constantly battling one another. Anthony picks Kate’s sister to court, with the plan that he’s only going to marry the “diamond” of the social season, but he just can’t seem to keep himself from thinking about, or taunting, Kate as she blocks him from getting serious with her younger sister repeatedly.

His delivery of this line had social media in a flurry nearly as soon as season 2 dropped on Netflix, so it’s no surprise that it’s becoming one of the most talked-about scenes in the show. As much as neither of them wants to admit that they’re drawn to one another, Anthony just can’t let Kate go. His confession of his feelings to Kate is one of the best love confessions the show has done so far.


Bridgerton: What Exactly Is A Viscount?

Though Bridgerton isn’t entirely historically accurate, its general use of British nobility’s titles is, including “viscount.” What exactly is that?

“If You Desire The Sun And The Moon, All You Have To Do Is Go Out And Shoot At The Sky. Some Of Us Cannot.”

Eloise Bridgerton

Benedict embraces Colin while speaking with Eloise in Bridgerton

Forever a champion of women’s rights, the younger Bridgerton, Eloise, was a feminist icon. She made some very poetic yet salient observations about the difference in status afforded to men and women in the early seasons of the show, firmly establishing her interest in advancing the position of women in society. The two sexes led lives that were markedly different, and a lady couldn’t grow beyond becoming a wife and a mother.

She said these lines to her brother one night while talking with Benedict, mourning how she had no room to achieve any material or work-related success in life because society didn’t allow her to, whereas Benedict and her other brothers could go out and do whatever they liked. Benedict even began taking art classes while Eloise was still stuck at home learning to be a wife.

“Everything I Told The Queen Was True. I Cannot Stop Thinking Of You. From The Mornings You Ease, To The Evenings You Quiet, To The Dreams You Inhabit, My Thoughts Of You Never End. I Am Yours, Daphne. I Have Always Been Yours.”

Simon Basset

Regé-Jean Page as Simon Basset in Bridgerton season 1

If Daphne expressed her emotions for the Duke, he couldn’t be far behind either. In the same scene in which Daphne confessed to “burning” for him, he gave an impassioned missive about how the beautiful Bridgerton daughter had taken over his thoughts and captivated his heart. Though he might have maintained a pretense of not liking her, he did find genuine friendship with her as they kept up the ruse of courting during the social season. It was because there was no pressure on them that they could be themselves with one another and fall in love.

It was quite lovely to hear the otherwise aloof Simon be so candid about his thoughts, and finally accept the love of a woman when he had vowed to stay away from marriage and the likes for the longest time. The romance in these few lines is also evocative and beautiful.

“Was I Truly This Blind? Were They Always This Obvious?”

Edwina Sharma

Edwina Sharma looks surprised in Bridgerton

The heart of the audience breaks a bit for Kate’s younger sister with this Season 2 Bridgerton quote. After all, Anthony appears to the public to fully intend on marrying Edwina. Edwina is so worried that her sister’s hostility will push Anthony away that she even urges them to spend more time together, completely missing that the hostility is because they’re trying to avoid how they feel for her sake.

When the truth is revealed to Edwina, she worries that she’s been a fool for not seeing it sooner. While the audience, of course, is privy to every point of view, Edwina is so preoccupied with her own social obligations that she never sees what’s right in front of her, and it’s not entirely her fault. She has spent the social season trying to secure a good match to help provide for her family, just as Kate has instructed her, and she doesn’t realize until it’s too late that her good match is in love with her sister.

“To Meet A Beautiful Woman Is One Thing, But To Meet Your Best Friend In The Most Beautiful Of Women Is Something Entirely Apart.”

Simon Basset

Simon and Daphne at a Ball Looking at Each Other in Bridgerton

Romance was the last priority in Simon Basset’s life, which was a pity because it came so naturally to the Duke. With Daphne, he had met his match. The couple had to go and ask the Queen’s permission to marry quickly to avoid any rumor or scandal following their relationship, and in his plea to the regent, he said that marriage was but an unbreakable bond of friendship, and he had found his best friend in Daphne.

Both Simon and Daphne were extremely emotional as they said this, and they were also under a lot of pressure to make the Queen agree to their marriage, but it was clear that he meant every word he said. While Daphne believes at first that he is lying to make the queen more sympathetic to them, Simon later admits that everything he tells the queen is true, even if he hasn’t admitted it to Daphne before.

“I Love All Of You. Even The Parts That You Believe Are Too Dark And Too Shameful. Every Scar. Every Flaw. Every Imperfection. I Love You.”

Daphne Bridgerton

Daphne and Simon Dancing at a Ball in Bridgerton

The courtship between the leading couple of Bridgerton was electric, but their marriage was tumultuous. The two seesawed a fair bit between being in love and then hating each other, but Daphne stated her intentions for the Duke quite clearly, even after the Duke’s vow to not procreate. With both of them being so stubborn and misunderstanding the other on a regular basis, it took them a while to get to the point where they were on the same page.

Daphne finally understood her partner’s past and his hang-ups after learning more about his father and his childhood, which was a relief for fans who wanted a happy ending for them. Bridgerton knew how to set a romantic atmosphere, and this scene was a great combination of dreamy rain and great dialogue for the pairing.


Why Bridgerton’s Lady Whistledown Revealed Her Family’s Own Secret Scandal

Why Bridgerton’s Lady Whistledown turned on her family, revealing a scandal that rocked the whole of London in season 1 of the Netflix show.

“You Are, Pen. You Do Not Count. You Are My Friend.”

Colin Bridgerton

Colin speaks to Penelop at a social function in Bridgerton

It’s no secret to the audience that Penelope Featherington has feelings for Colin Bridgerton from their first interaction. As Eloise’s best friend, Penelope is a fixture among the Bridgertons and has had feelings for Colin since first meeting him. Colin, for his part, doesn’t realize in the first two seasons of the show, and that leaves him breaking her heart without even realizing it.

When Penelope jokes that Colin has sworn off women, but he’s talking to her at a social function, he decides she doesn’t count because of their friendship. In Colin’s eyes, Penelope isn’t someone he should be looking at as a potential wife or someone to court because she is one of his dearest friends. She’s more than someone to flirt with at a ball and then move on to the next. Though his lines here are relatively tame, it’s a moment that stays with the audience long after it’s over.

“Yes, I Know. You Are Not The Marrying Type. Yet Have You Considered You Are Not The Type Women Wish To Marry?”

Daphne Bridgerton

Daphne and Simon's Wedding in Bridgerton Season 1 Episode 5 _The Duke and I_

The best part of Simon and Daphne’s courtship was the witty banter between the two. The couple got along like fire, and their initial flirting and teasing formed the foundation of their relationship. Simon was notorious for being a bachelor who didn’t care for a wedding, which he used to make amply clear to Daphne. Daphne in return quipped that women weren’t lining up to marry Simon either: he wasn’t exactly the loving, warm man that they wanted to marry.

It was nice to see her take down the Duke off of his high horse, and the repartee was fun to watch. Of course, Daphne’s point might have been slightly lost since the mothers of the young women in society were certainly vying for the Duke’s attention. They wanted to give their daughters a chance with him, which is exactly the reason he agrees to the fake relationship with Daphne to begin with.

“Edmund Was The Air That I Breathed, And Now, There Is No Air.”

Violet Bridgerton

Lady Violent Bridgerton sits with her eyes wide in Bridgerton

So much attention is paid to the older Bridgerton siblings that sometimes, the parents of the eight children might be forgotten a bit by the audience. After all, the love stories playing out are that of the new generation, not their parents. Without Violet and Edumnud, however, the children wouldn’t have this grand idea of a love match.

As more is revealed about Violet and Edmund Bridgerton it’s made very clear that they married for love. So many relationships are born from social and financial strategy, but the Bridgertons are a family where love is the priority, even if some of them would like to ignore that. Violet Bridgerton’s admission that she feels like she can’t breathe when she loses her husband is where that starts. With parents who loved one another so dearly, why wouldn’t the children want fulfilling relationships instead of strategic ones?

“Me, Unavailable; You, Desirable.”

Simon Basset

Daphne and Simon talking in front of paintings in Bridgerton

The beginning of the elaborate ploy between Daphne and Simon began with these words. Simon wanted to keep bachelorettes and their mothers off his back, and Daphne wanted to get other suitors interested in her after making a mistake on the marriage mart, so they decided to fake a romance to kill two birds with one stone. Their fake courting is analogous to modern rom-coms that employ fake dating to make someone else jealous.

This line described their situation perfectly, and the planned romantic entanglement really did increase Daphne’s potential suitors, and Simon was considered spoken for which made their lives easier to an extent – until they fell in love with each other. That’s when the real trouble begins as they hide their feelings and miscommunicate. Ironically, the earliest part of their fake courtship is the easiest part of their real relationship.

“All Is Fair In Love And War But Some Battles Leave No Victor, Only A Trail Of Broken Hearts That Makes Us Wonder If The Price We Pay Is Ever Worth The Fight.”

Lady Whistledown

A blended image features Birdgerton characters reading Lady Whistledown's newsletter
Custom image by SR Image Editor

All the characters of Bridgerton have been at the mercy of the ubiquitous Lady Whistledown, and she could see every little thing that happened to them thanks to her own presence on the ton’s social scene. Since love and marriage were so crucial in Regency-era London, it was the one thing that the writer focused on, especially the heartbreaks.

In “Swish,” Lady Whistledown revealed Marina’s pregnancy, breaking Colin’s heart and their engagement. It was clear that Penelope had decided to out Marina to the ton because she loved Colin, but she also did it to protect him. However, she felt no vindication – the three of them were left brokenhearted and disappointed. This particular quote illustrates exactly that as Penelope’s words as Lady Whistledown often have a way of reflecting the most prominent romances in Bridgerton.

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