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Scott starts this episode showing us the inside of virtual reality approaches to manufacturing robotics and automation, then we consider what the coming steps are in getting Optimus into the work space. What are the limiting factors left to be worked out?

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Morning – After the Bell
Mid Day – Scott Walter
Afternoon- Good News Wednesday with Jeff Lutz
Morning – After the Bell
Mid Day – Cern Basher
Afternoon – Good News Thursday with Bradford Ferguson
Morning – After the Bell
Mid Day –
Afternoon – Good News Friday with Larry Goldberg
Morning –
Mid Day –
Afternoon – Tesla News

👉Follow Brian White on X – @FutureAza on YouTube FutureAza
👉Follow Brian Wang on his blog – https://NextBigFuture.com on Twitter @nextbigfuture
👉Follow Jeff Lutz on X – @TheJeffLutz
👉Follow Bradford Ferguson on his website https://www.rebellionaire.com Twitter @BradsFerguson
👉Follow Scott Walter on Twitter @GoingBallistic5
👉Follow Nicholas Gibbs @NickGibbsIAG and on his YouTube Channel

We have two goals on this channel. Provide useful information about Elon Musk and his related businesses and provide some context to the Tesla stock story as it relates to the economy, the macro, the fundamentals, and the technicals.

I have written 10 books about small business, several of which are currently available on Amazon, including two Amazon Best Sellers about Elon Musk.

#TeslaOptimus #HumanoidBot #TechInnovation #FutureOfAI #Robotics2026 #AIRevolution #TeslaTechnology #NextGenRobotics #TeslaBots #TechTrends2024 #teslamodel3

0:09 looking at here uh Scott uh uh you’re all hooked up you’re you’re uh yeah I’m
8:30 10,000 Elon has now confirmed that so scale so at scale he’s doing it and again it comes down to the you know the
13:23 a few things um they they may have you know identified some new actuator
17:31 up is you see that ramp it up so so the actu I have in there seem to be fairly
18:54 on energy usage so and which may allow also to do
23:39 Muskegan or um you know any any other things that U are not widely reported
27:26 space yeah yeah so anyway so you had that
29:37 Nicholas Gibbs he was talking about the fact that he thinks that the Tesla the the
35:04 know Wonder yeah fragile versus something which is is you know is um is
40:41 work with with Reebok you know they they make shoes um yeah and their whole thing
50:02 the only thing you would need see at this point I don’t you don’t even need
56:17 all and to all of you out there it’s been great talking to you
