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Introducing Money, Meet Meaning — a podcast about faith & finance on the RNS Audio Network


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Our religious traditions can teach us much about one of the greatest sources of stress and struggle in our lives: money. Yet both religion and money are generally avoided in polite conversation.

Interfaith America and Park Piedmont Advisors are thrilled to announce the launch of a new weekly podcast, Money, Meet Meaning, that talks openly about both – by exploring the surprising, practical relevance of the world’s spiritual traditions on our life with money.

“When I saw the name of the show, I was like, ‘Hallelujah! This is what we want to talk about! Hallelujah,’” said Jesse Mecham, Wall Street Journal bestselling author and founder of the award-winning personal finance platform YNAB (You Need a Budget).

Money, Meet Meaning resides in the rare intersection of “Personal Finance” and “Religion & Spirituality,” but listeners won’t find academic scholarship, theological discourse, or market predictions.

Instead, each episode will offer a fun and thought-provoking journey into the world of money and spirituality led by guests from differing spiritual traditions and hosts Tom Levinson and Amber Hacker.

“Faith pervades people’s lives and our society,” said Interfaith America founder and President Eboo Patel. “And because money is such an important part of people’s lives, exploring the intersection of faith and money is super interesting.”

Co-host Tom Levinson is Jewish, a family financial advisor with a religion degree from Harvard Divinity School, and the author of All That’s Holy: A Young Guy, an Old Car, and the Search for God in America. Amber “Budget” Hacker is a committed Southern Christian, an MBA-holding personal finance nerd, and the CFO for Interfaith America.

“Money and our material possessions have always been a central concern for our religions, because money implicates our core values – as individuals, within families, and as societies,” said Levinson.

With a mix of humor and thoughtfulness, Levinson and Hacker tackle these taboo topics and uncover the secrets to a more meaningful relationship with money.

Money, Meet Money launches the week of April 15. To contact Money, Meet Meaning for questions or interviews, email [email protected]. Find the latest episode at: religionnews.com/money-meet-meaning.


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