Mississippi Digital News

Who is Mullen Automotive??


**Video content belongs to Mullen Automotive, INC or were provided by users on social media.**

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

Not #financial advice for #entertainment only.
I‘m long and #bullish on #muln due to their position in the #commercial #EV sector.
#mullenautomotive has 2 street legal vehicles in the market and deliveries which occurred CY23Q4.
They’ve had their market challenges and raised #capital through SPAs and promissory notes.
With dilution through warrants in the rear view, I believe this company is set to rebound in the market in 2024.
$muln #mullen #mullenstock #mulnstock #ev #commercialev #electricvehicle #entertainment #finance #stocks #pennystocks #nfa #CARB #EPA #trucks #vans #classone #cargovan #class3 #boxtruck
