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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


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WEEK OF June 27 – July 3, 2022

Got a major financial matter looming over you? Make haste tying up loose ends before Tuesday if you possibly can! Foggy Neptune commences its annual five-month retrograde in Pisces and your second house of work and income that day, which could make money a little funny. (And not in the LOL kind of way.) Hopefully you’ve socked away enough funds to float you through the summer—and maybe even have some leftover for fun opportunities that crop up spontaneously. But the real opportunity this backspin presents is the chance to press pause on mindless spending—and where you might be wasting more money than you realize—and hit reset in an attempt to establish fiscal stability. Even if you have a clear goal to get on more solid footing, with dreamy Neptune spinning backward, you may have to learn a couple lessons the proverbial hard way. If you can’t tighten the belt to the degree necessary, at least you can become undeniably aware of your patterns and unconscious habits. Neptune will be in your second house from 2012 to 2025, and every retrograde (this year, until December 3) can help you get a better grasp of what you truly desire.

Later on Tuesday, the year’s only Cancer new moon lands in your sixth house of healthy living, service and organization. Which of those areas could stand a reboot? (What’s that? All of them, you say?) Well, have at it, Aquarius! New moons are associated with fresh starts, so even if you’ve been on a rose bender and haven’t journaled in weeks, you can turn it all around starting now. But for best results, go at it systematically. Set a few goals for how you’d like to shift your lifestyle, and then reverse-engineer steps you can take to get there before the December holidays. (New moons’ sphere of influence can stretch to six months.) But make a point of looking forward, not backward—so no beating yourself up for past “transgressions.” The secret to staying motivated is focusing on your specific—and positive—objectives, like training for a 5K race or eating for your blood type. (Negative motivation, like “lose X pounds,” usually won’t lead to lasting change.) What medical appointments have you been (endlessly) procrastinating on? Commit to making them in the coming two weeks, peak manifesting time for this lunation. And if you’re single, you might have a serendipitous encounter after a workout or bike ride (or any healthy activity), so stay alert to intriguing overtures!

Loose lips could sink more than imaginary ships on Friday, when the co-rulers of intense Scorpio lock into a tense alignment, possibly triggering an outburst that catches everyone, yourself included, by surprise. When unedited Mars in your communication center smashes into shadowy Pluto in your unconscious twelfth house, you won’t be able to predict (let alone control) WHAT comes out of your mouth. This annual collision can bring up buried feelings and spark anger, never a good combination. As a cool-headed air sign, you usually do an admirable job of keeping a lid on emotions like resentment and jealousy, yet this provocative pairing can be overwhelming. Mars barreling through blunt-edged Aries and your communication center alone can be brash, and with Pluto throwing a match on that pile of tinder, all bets are off. So to the degree possible, plan to cut known button-pushers an extra wide berth today!

See All Signs

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