Mississippi Digital News

Biden’s comment on the health care needs context


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For the first time since 2020, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are sharing the debate stage.Similar to the candidates’ previous meetings, some of the statements made during the debate require clarification or further explanation.Our National Investigative Unit is fact-checking tonight’s presidential debate on CNN and breaking down the context of both candidate’s statements.Claim: President Joe Biden has always praised the Affordable Care Act and made this statement about Donald Trump’s feelings about it: “He wants to get rid of the ACA again, and they’re going to try again if they win.”Get the Facts: That comment needs more context. According to our partners at FactCheck.org, Trump has said in the past that he wants to get rid of the law. But, in March of this year, Trump wrote on social media that he wants to make it “better,” “stronger” and “far less expensive.” Trump wrote on social media that he wants to make it a formal health care plan, but the former president has not released one.

For the first time since 2020, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are sharing the debate stage.

Similar to the candidates’ previous meetings, some of the statements made during the debate require clarification or further explanation.

Our National Investigative Unit is fact-checking tonight’s presidential debate on CNN and breaking down the context of both candidate’s statements.

Claim: President Joe Biden has always praised the Affordable Care Act and made this statement about Donald Trump’s feelings about it: “He wants to get rid of the ACA again, and they’re going to try again if they win.”

Get the Facts: That comment needs more context. According to our partners at FactCheck.org, Trump has said in the past that he wants to get rid of the law. But, in March of this year, Trump wrote on social media that he wants to make it “better,” “stronger” and “far less expensive.” Trump wrote on social media that he wants to make it a formal health care plan, but the former president has not released one.

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