Mississippi Digital News

“Come to the Table” A Pediatric Primary Care Healthy Weight Initiative for Children and Families 4


Module 4: “Gathering Community”

This series includes 5 evidence-based modules covering care management from prevention through treatment of pediatric healthy weight, overweight, and obesity. Learn from experts about bias, stigma, motivational interviewing, and action.

Series Objectives:

– Participants will have practical and accurate information about how pediatric primary care can engage families around issues related to healthy weight management, recognizing the impacts of Social Determinants of Health, bias, stigma and cultural issues in communication and care delivery.   

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– Participants will engage in community learning with peers and experience workforce refreshment and joy while gathering around the topic of pediatric primary care healthy weight initiatives.  

– Participants will be knowledgeable about the current state of pediatric overweight and obesity as a chronic illness, the factors that prevent and augment it, and models that successfully address it in community health center settings. 

– Participants will be able to access current evidence-based guidelines on pediatric weight management and on models of lifestyle interventions that address it. 

Sessions are cumulative but may be viewed independently. NACHC is proud to provide a total of five (5) CME credits through the AAFP for this series. One (1) credit hour will be provided per module upon attending the session live and completing an online evaluation.

For more information, please contact clinicalevents@nachc.com


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