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Diablo 4 Season 6 Is Finally Introducing Much-Needed Features Missing Since Day One


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  • Diablo 4
    will add navigation tools like a HUD compass, audio navigation, and auto-pinning quests in Season 6.
  • These features aim to improve accessibility and reduce confusion for players navigating the game world.
  • Blizzard acknowledges feedback and is working to enhance the game experience for all players.

Despite everything that it does right, Diablo 4 is still missing some essential features that should have been included at launch but fortunately for everyone, Blizzard has confirmed that they’re on the way. When it comes to navigating the dark and dreary world of Diablo 4, moving around the map to hunt down certain quests can become a tedious activity, not to mention especially confusing for some people. Accessibility is an important aspect of modern game design but even without that concern, navigating shouldn’t be a challenge if it’s not the core of the game experience.

Per Game Rant, Blizzard has finally confirmed that some essential navigation tools are in active development for Diablo 4 but players shouldn’t expect them any time soon. Features like a HUD compass will only be added to the game during Season 6 which is still a few months away given that the action RPG is still in its fourth season. A specific release date for the navigation assistance has yet to be determined but Blizzard has at least provided players with some insight into the kinds of improvements they can expect from the future season.


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Pets are useful in Diablo 4 for collecting valuable resources and the first of them can be added by completing the simple Faithful Companion quest.

How Blizzard Is Making Diablo 4’s Navigation Smoother

It’s All In The UI

In terms of what’s coming in Season 6, Blizzard has highlighted three features that should be a boon for players struggling to move around the giant maps: The aforementioned HUD compass, Audio Navigation Assistance, and Auto-Pinning new quests. Nearly all of these seem like a standard option that should have been included in the game when it launched in 2023 but better later than never. The HUD compass does what one might expect by adding a directional arrow to the screen to ensure players don’t get lost.

Auto-Pinning new quests is also self-explanatory as the option, when toggled on, will automatically mark the location of a selected quest on the map and go one step further by providing a line to track the best possible route. Finally, visually impaired players will be able to use Audio Navigation Assistance to track down objective markers as, when activated, Diablo 4 will generate sound cues to help guide demon slayers toward their selected quest.

As stated above, it seems like a major accessibility oversight that most of these options were not added to Diablo 4 sooner. Games are for everyone so providing those who may not be able to discern what’s happening on the screen with a means of tracking down their next target is essential. At the very least, Blizzard has clearly listened to feedback from the community and while these options are still a ways off, it’s good to know that they’re coming.


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Diablo 4’s fourth season, Season of Loot Reborn, doesn’t just add new season content but gives the entire game a massive overhaul in many areas.

What Else Can Diablo 4 Players Expect In Season 6?

The Expansion Is Going To Change Many Things

Aside from the new navigation features that will be introduced in Season 6, the forthcoming chapter in Sanctuary’s ongoing saga will launch alongside the hotly-anticipated Vessel of Hatred expansion that’s already promising some of the darkest content yet seen in the franchise. Scheduled to arrive on October 8, the paid DLC will introduce a wealth of new content to the base game that includes a new class, region, and plenty of additional loot. Additionally, the game’s established classes will recieve some treats to make sure there’s a little something for everyone.

In terms of new features, perhaps the biggest inclusion in Vessel of Hatred is the Nahantu region which is located to the South of the base game’s already sprawling map. Standing out against the standard blighted areas of Sanctuary, Nahantu largely comprises of lush jungle that’s soaked in both shadow and blood. Perhaps most exciting for veterans of the RPG franchise, the location has actually already featured in a previous game as it served as the primary stage of Diablo II‘s third act.

The Spirtborn Is Looking To Shake Things Up

Rulers Of The Nahantu Jungles

As exciting as it no doubt is for the established classes to recieve some extra tools to help dispatch of the wild foes of Nahantu, the Spiritborn is one of the most intriguing aspects of Vessel of Hatred. The new class, which plays a key role in the DLC’s promotional campaign, is new to the franchise and will likely feature a host of abilities that have yet to be seen in previous games. Blizzard describes the Spirtborn as “the apex predators of the jungle” that gain their power by becoming one with their ancestral spirits and the mystical guardians of nature.

Whether Diablo 4 players are more excited to see the new navigation tools make their debut in Season 6 or the launch of the Vessel of Hatred, it seems to fair to say that Blizzard’s RPG is building up to some big months. Those eager to get their hands on new content can unlock a series of pets by pre-ordering the DLC and selecting between a Snow Leopard, a Canine, or a Tiger for a four-legged companion. While many believe pets should have been an option in the base game, much like the navigation system, at least it’s finally happening.

Source: Game Rant

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