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Doom Patrol Showrunner On Possible Line-Up Change In Future Season


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Doom Patrol showrunner Jeremy Carver discusses how the current line-up could change in future seasons. As Titans season 4, part 1 has finished its run and gone on hiatus, Doom Patrol season 4, part 1 officially premiered recently on HBO Max, continuing the story of the beloved DC team. After getting involved with time travel last season, Doom Patrol season 4 is putting the heroes up against the ultimate task as they fight to prevent a disastrous future from happening.


Screen Rant recently interviewed the Doom Patrol showrunner as Carver previewed season 4, part 1, and what is coming up for the heroes. One of the questions raised was whether he could see the Doom Patrol line-up eventually change in coming seasons. In the comics, there have been various iterations of the team, as different characters have been part of the Doom Patrol. Carver said:

That very much makes sense, and I don’t want to comment too much on that, but there is the Doom Patrol, and there’s the Doom Patrol family. If you’re asking me personally, can I see different iterations of both? Of course, I can; in the future, yeah!

RELATED: Why Titans & Doom Patrol Are On Different Earths (Despite A Crossover)

What Doom Patrol Characters Future Seasons Could Introduce

Doom Patrol Season 4

Thus far, in the four seasons that Doom Patrol has gone on for, the HBO Max drama has introduced the primary members with Negative Man, Robotman, Elasti-Woman, and The Chief, with Crazy Jane also serving as one of the main heroes. While Cyborg wasn’t a member of the comic canon, the DC TV show made him one, adding a new team to the character’s media history. As Carver referenced in the interview, other Doom Patrol seasons have also included members who have been part of the team in the comics, but instead are part of the so-called Doom Patrol family in the series.

When looking at the Doom Patrol as a whole, some of the current main characters are, in many ways, getting closer to the end of their character arcs that the series began back in season 1. In the scenario where some of the current generation depart the TV series, Doom Patrol has established characters who could come in and carry on the next era for the series. Whether it would be Flex Mentallo, or Dorothy Spinner, there are players they can use. If they wanted to introduce new characters from the comics, they could pull from any of the rosters, using characters like Elongated Man, Ambush Man, and Bumblebee; there are fun heroes they could implement who could extend Doom Patrol‘s longevity as a series and also add new dynamics to the eccentric ensemble.

Since Doom Patrol season 4 is introducing Casey Brinke, a.k.a. Space Case, played by Madeline Zima, it’s possible she may become a new permanent member by the end of the season. With Doom Patrol having always been an ensemble-driven series, it’s natural that the line-up could change in coming seasons. It’s unclear right now if Doom Patrol will be back for season 5 since HBO Max is being restructured. However, if Doom Patrol season 5 ends up happening, the series will get to introduce additional characters and expand the world of the DC TV drama.

MORE: Where To Watch Doom Patrol

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