Mississippi Digital News

eLearnChat 293: Comics That Save Lives! Kevin Thorn Interview – NuggetHead Studioz


Today on eLearnChat our guest of honor is Kevin Thorn, Chief NuggetHead at NuggetHead Studioz! Kevin talks with Lesley Price (Learn Appeal) and Harold Muliadi (Relate Corporation) about the unique advantages of using comics in training and education and describes some of his recent and ongoing projects that incorporate instructional comics.


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Our recent episode with Kevin, Deborah Thomas, and Karl Kapp on Step Away: https://youtu.be/Js2HGi-b3SU

eLearnChat Episode on the Learn Appeal Capsule:


Kevin’s bio:

Kevin is an award-winning eLearning designer & developer, consultant, and owner of NuggetHead Studioz, LLC., a boutique custom design and development studio specializing in online learning experiences.

Based in the North Mississippi Delta, Kevin, harnesses a bench of creative practitioners in instructional design, eLearning development, illustration and graphic design, animation, and serious comics to design creative and innovative solutions.

Kevin is a well-known industry speaker and trainer on eLearning development, design workflows, and is a certified facilitator in LEGO® Serious Play® methodologies.

You can jump ahead to some of the main topics we discussed:

[1:52] Kevin’s Background in Comics and Storytelling

Kevin talks about his background in art, drawing comics, and storytelling, how he got into doing instructional comics, and how his experience with comics has evolved from his beginnings in corporate training to his current work as the head of his own design studio.

[5:21] Comics To Help Lower Infant Mortality

Kevin talks about his latest major project at NuggetHead Studioz. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the aim of the project is to produce training for nurses that would help reduce infant mortality in low-income, low-literacy communities around the world. The project organizers saw one of Kevin’s previous interactive comic pieces and wanted him to develop something similar for them.

We discuss why instructional comics have such great potential in Learning and Development applications all over the world, across various cultures and varying rates of literacy.

[14:05] Bringing eLearning to the Disconnected

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

Lesley talks about the success of the Learn Appeal Capsule that provides eLearning to communities without Internet connectivity. Kevin shares how his team aimed to do something similar and has been planning to bring his current project to Kenya in a future phase (1st phase was launched in India.) Lesley also talks about a new endeavor with Diabetes Outreach Prevention Programmes International (DOPPIS http://doppsinternational.org/ ) that Learn Appeal is starting work on.

[22:38] Visually Communicating Across Cultures

Kevin describes the challenges he and his studio faced in conveying certain concepts effectively to learners from a vastly different culture, and why getting visual details on point is so important (even within your own culture, let alone an unfamiliar one!)

[32:07] Creating Sharable Learning Experiences

In all learning pieces he develops, Kevin’s aim is to create memorable experiences for learners, and Lesley shares an anecdote about the considerable impact learning can make on an entire community.

[36:28] LEGO Serious Play Methodology

In a teaser for his next eLearnChat appearance, Kevin briefly explains how theories of flow and play, which form of basis of the LEGO Serious Play methodology, show that working with your hands can help your mind work to solve problems.

#eLearning #Comics #InstructionalDesign

About eLearnChat:

Hosted by eLearning/media professionals Rick Zanotti (Relate Corporation) and Lesley Price (Learn Appeal), eLearnchat focuses on top influencers, shakers, and movers in the eLearning and Training industry.

Topics can range from eLearning, multimedia development, project management, social media, and more. It’s been running since 2012, with over 250 episodes released to date.

View the full playlist of eLearnChat episodes here:


RELATECasts is the video broadcasting division of RELATE Corporation, a well-known media creation and enterprise eLearning development company.

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