Mississippi Digital News

Exercise: A Lesson in Perspective with Gerren Liles


Have you ever encountered a health or fitness professional and left feeling overwhelmed and automatically defeated? Or paralyzed with guilt and shame when said “expert” revealed your poor health habits? I have! You can only imagine my hesitation…and then excitement, when given the opportunity to interview Gerren Liles, Fitness Influencer. Discover with me his unique perspective on exercise and his encouraging thoughts on perception, perspective and positive body image.



Today’s Guest: Gerren Liles

Gerren Liles, is a health/fitness professional on a mission to help people become their best selves, inside and out. Gerren has always loved the gym. He describes his former self as a bulky mass of muscle, sesame chicken and chicken fried rice. It took a scare from his doctor telling him his blood sugar level has risen dramatically, and that a change in lifestyle was necessary to avoid becoming a full-fledged diabetic. He of course made those changes and loves to help others do the same! Gerren is the owner of Gerren Liles Vision Fitness, a founding trainer for the industry-disrupting MIRROR, a master instructor for Equinox Fitness Clubs, consultant, fitness personality, and he offers private and semi-group training services both in Brooklyn and Manhattan and online.

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Host: Jennifer Pickett

One of the country’s leading dietitians, Jennifer Pickett has just announced that she will be launching a brand new podcast focusing on healthy living, holistic self-care, and encouragement. Jennifer has a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Southern Mississippi and will be giving away free tips to her listeners that she has given to countless clients as a health and wellness expert for the past twenty-three years. Jennifer’s journey began after getting frustrated with her own health journey so she decided to dig deep and see what she was missing. What she discovered was a very lopsided approach to healthy living. It’s very common for people to simply rely on a diet, an exercise routine, or a supplement. This one-sided approach simply leads to frustration and doesn’t fully address the whole body and holistic health. Jennifer quickly identified barriers that were holding her back from living life to the fullest. By addressing those obstacles, she started to see the beauty of harmony between body, mind, and soul.

During her personal health journey, Jennifer became increasingly frustrated with the lack of simple, realistic, and holistic wellness information. After identifying this gap and huge need, Jennifer decided to launch her own company so she could coach and encourage others. That company is called Healthy Harmony. By using encouraging words with simple and realistic education, Jennifer empowers others to conquer obstacles and move forward on their health journey to live life to the fullest and that is exactly what she will be doing in her new podcast, Healthy Harmony.

The podcast will be weekly and will feature several different segments with Jennifer giving healthy lifestyle tips, cooking recipes, and exclusive interviews with other leading health and lifestyle influencers. Jennifer will simultaneously be releasing interactive cooking videos on her personal YouTube channel starting mid-January. She will be teaching viewers how to make simple, healthy meals that anyone can cook at home.
