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Gain a military perspective on mental health with this Doctor


Host Name: Vincent A. Lanci
Guest Name: Dr. Diego Hernandez, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Director of A.R.T. Research, H.O.O.A.H. Board Member
(Docdiego@earthlink.net) (https://www.balancedlivingpsychology.com/)


Would it benefit you to hear from Mental Health Professionals and Influencers? Would it add value to your life to also hear authentic stories from people talking about their mental health, the issues they face, and how they actively combat them? Congratulations, this is the perfect podcast for you!

Ever since my accident, and into recovery, I learned that I needed to prioritize my mental health. And my goal for this podcast is to help you do so, too!

For the fourteenth episode of Season 1, Vincent A. Lanci brings on Dr. Diego Hernadez. Dr. Hernandez is a licensed Clinical Psychologist with a focus on health, wellness, and human performance with 20 years of mental health experience and a combat trauma expert. He is a trauma expert, Master ART Therapist, and Lead ART Trainer.

He is the Clinical Director of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) Research at The University of South Florida and past Clinical Director of the Military Trial of ART at USF. He is also the co-author on the peer reviewed ART publication. He is also on the medical advisory board for Helping Out Our American Heroes (H.O.O.A.H.)

Take a Deep Breath! It’s time to make your day a better one.

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

Host Name: Vincent A. Lanci (PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com)
Website: https://www.vincentlanci.com/podcasts
Instagram (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/amentalhealthbreak/ (https://www.instagram.com/yourfavoritemorningpodcast/)
Facebook (Podcast): https://www.facebook.com/ (https://www.facebook.com/YourFavoriteMorningPodcast/) amentalhealthbreak (https://www.instagram.com/yourfavoritemorningpodcast/) / (https://www.facebook.com/YourFavoriteMorningPodcast/)
Twitter (Podcast): https://twitter.com/PodcastsByLanci
LinkedIn (Podcast): https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/a-mental-health-break-with-vincent-a-lanci

Guest Name: Dr. Diego Hernandez, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Director of A.R.T. Research, H.O.O.A.H. Board Member
Email: (Docdiego@earthlink.net)
Website: https://www.balancedlivingpsychology.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdiegohernandez/

Digital Editing Name: Vincent A. Lanci (PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com)

Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden

Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com (https://www.free-stock-music.com/)

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unp

Have a question for the host or guest? Looking to become a show partner? Email Danica at PodcastsByLanci@gmail.com.
