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Glen Powell Turning Down Jurassic World 4 Saves Him From Being Typecast In A Very Specific Way


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  • Glen Powell avoided typecasting by turning down a role in Jurassic World 4.
  • Powell’s career trend of legacy sequels could have limited his role options.
  • Powell’s ability to be selective in his roles showcases his rising star power in Hollywood.

Despite being one of the busiest actors currently working in Hollywood, Glen Powell turned down an offer to star in Jurassic World 4, a decision that might just have saved him from being typecast. Though his first big-screen appearance came way back in 2023, Powell only became a household name after starring in the 2022 blockbuster Top Gun: Maverick. Since then, the actor has barely been off cinema screens, with 2024 looking set to be the summer of Glen Powell. One movie Powell won’t be starring in, however, is Jurassic World 4.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the star revealed that he turned down a chance to star in the upcoming Jurassic Park reboot movie after reading the script. He said, “I’m not doing that movie because I read the script and I immediately was like, my presence in this movie doesn’t help it.” While it might come as a surprise to some that a star of Powell’s caliber would refuse to appear in a multi-billion dollar franchise like Jurassic World, by doing so, Powell has avoided being typecast in an oddly specific way.

Glen Powell Joining Jurassic World 4 Would’ve Followed His Recent Sequel Trend

A Slightly Concerning Pattern Was Starting To Form

Had Glen Powell agreed to star in Jurassic World 4, it would have been the latest example of a trend that has emerged in the actor’s career. Top Gun: Maverick, the movie that catapulted Powell to new levels of stardom, was a legacy sequel to 1986’s Top Gun. Meanwhile, one of Powell’s upcoming releases, Twisters, will serve as the follow-up to 1996’s Twister. In other words, Powell is at risk of becoming known as someone who joins blockbuster franchises that first started in the 80s and 90s. Joining the cast of Jurassic World 4 would have continued this pattern.

Top Gun: Maverick
, Glen Powell played the role of Lieutenant Jake “Hangman” Seresin.

After all, the Jurassic Park franchise kicked off in 1993. While such a trend in a star’s career isn’t entirely negative – certainly not from a financial perspective – it does limit how both the public and studios perceive an actor. This ultimately means that said actor is less likely to be offered a diverse range of roles. It should be noted, though, that Powell hasn’t entirely bucked the trend. If the rumors are true, Powell is set to star in a remake of 1987’s The Running Man, though this is expected to be a reboot rather than a sequel.

Glenn Powell Being Able To Turn Down Jurassic World 4 Is A Great Sign For The Actor

The Star Is In A Very Enviable Position


The fact that Glen Powell is in a position where he can turn down films like Jurassic World 4 is very positive for his career. The vast majority of actors, even some well-known ones, struggle to get work and find themselves taking whatever opportunities come their way. Being in a place that allows an actor to be discerning is a dream scenario for any performer. Powell achieving this in such a short space of time is incredibly impressive.

Powell is clearly one of the most in-demand actors right now, and owing to his demonstratable bankability, is, no doubt, being eyed by every major studio. This is also great for Powell’s career going forward. Being able to choose which projects he takes on means that he can star solely in movies and TV shows that appeal to him and that he believes he can bring something to.

How Glen Powell’s Other Upcoming Roles Can Help Prevent Typecasting

The Star Will Get Multiple Opportunities To Show Off His Range

Gary Johnson as a Teacher with a blackboard behind him in Hit Man
Image via Netflix

Though Twisters and The Running Man are related to established properties, Powell does have a few other projects on the horizon that can prevent him from being typecast. Richard Linklater’s action comedy Hit Man will see Powell playing a police informer who poses as assassins in order to arrest those who call upon his services. The Netflix film will allow the star to show off his comedic talents, particularly given that the plot of Hit Man requires him to adopt a series of wacky alter egos. Since premiering at the Venice Film Festival, the movie has been garnering positive reviews.



Scarlett Johansson’s Jurassic World 4 Role Ends Her 10-Year Career Pursuit

Scarlett Johansson’s potential participation in Jurassic World 4 means that her decade-long search for a successful franchise is finally over.

Meanwhile, Powell is rumored to be playing the lead role in a new remake of the 1978 sports fantasy film Heaven Can Wait. The upcoming movie would be the fourth adaptation of Harry Segall’s play of the same name and would see Powell starring as National Football League Quarterback Joe Pendleton, a role previously played by Warren Beatty in the 1978 version. With a sports film, a rom-com, a sci-fi, and a handful of action movies under his belt, Glen Powell should easily be able to show that he’s more than just a one-trick pony – irrespective of his absence from Jurassic Park 4.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Jurassic World Movie Poster Showing the Dinosaur Logo Buried in Lava

Jurassic World 4

Jurassic World 4 is the seventh film in the Jurassic Park franchise and continues the story of Jurassic World: Dominion. Written by David Koepp, Jurassic World 4 will begin a new era for the Jurassic franchise.

Universal Pictures

David Koepp

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