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Harley Quinn’s Cosplay-Ready “Hot Mom on a Road Trip” Look Has the Perfect Accessories


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Warning: Spoilers for Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3!


  • Harley Quinn’s ”
    Hot Mom
    ” outfit from
    Suicide Squad: Dream Team
    #3 is an easy and affordable cosplay option.
  • The costume includes simple clothing items like a striped top, red and black pants, black combat boots, and iconic accessories.
  • This cosplay look is perfect for those on a budget or short on time, with most items easily attainable in stores or closets.

Cosplay lovers rejoice as Harley Quinn just delivered the newest, affordable outfit to duplicate. Cosplay is a favorite pastime for many comic readers. The only downside is that sometimes, a superhero’s costume is a little too ambitious, making it harder for cosplayers to pull them off (especially when money and making time for crafting are a factor).

Thankfully, Harley Quinn’s newest (and quirkiest) look can be a new source of inspiration, as seen in Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 by Nicole Maines, Eddy Barrows, and José Luís. Harley is on the latest iteration of the Suicide Squad, who are trying to hunt down an AWOL would-be-teammate, Dreamer. Harley is dressed for the occasion in an outfit she describes as “hot mom on a road trip.

Harley Quinn tells Deadshot that she is dressed like a Hot Mom in Suicide Squad Dream #3

A closer examination of the costume will showcase to readers just how easy Harley’s latest look should be to pull off in real life, especially with familiar accessories like cat-eye sunglasses, a hairband, and a handheld camera — just like a mom on a road trip, of course.


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Harley Quinn’s “Hot Mom” Outfit is Cosplay-Ready

A Closer Look at Harley’s Best Accessories Yet

Harley Quinn’s attire is unique to a certain stereotyped demographic, but it still feels like something distinct enough to distinguish who she is to others. “Hot Mom” attire or not, random onlookers should see a cosplayer wearing this outfit and immediately recognize it as something that only Harley Quinn would wear. Breaking it down from head to toe, she isn’t sporting her classic pigtails, but she’s letting her hair hang long with a headband to make the “Hot Mom” look official.

For any cosplayer on a budget or for those who don’t have the time to craft an immensely complicated outfit, then the Harley Quinn “Hot Mom” look is perfect.

Harley Quinn’s top is a simple shirt with pink and purple stripes, which isn’t a color scheme that audiences typically expect from her (although Harley Quinn does love a dash of pink). Most audiences recall her usual red and black color scheme, like her pants in this outfit, which are red on the right leg and black on the left. Speaking of, the black side of those pants coordinates with a left-handed black glove, while the other half’s red pant-leg matches her right-handed glove. Finally, she has black combat boots.

Harley Quinn’s “Hot Mom” Costume Is the Easiest Cosplay to Pull Off

Harley’s New Look Includes Some Closet Staples

The Clock King Deadshot Harley Quinn and Bizarro Superman call out Dreamer in Suicide Squad Dream Team #3

For any cosplayer on a budget or for those who don’t have the time to craft an immensely complicated outfit, then the Harley Quinn “Hot Mom” look is perfect. Just about everything Harley is wearing is either cheap and attainable off any store’s dollar rack — or even hiding in the back of someone’s closet. The only thing that might be hard to duplicate or grab is her signature iconic mallet, which can still be found at a nearby party store. Harley Quinn’s “Hot Mom” costume is, indeed, a cosplayer’s most affordable dream.

Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 is available now from DC Comics.


Suicide Squad Dream Team 3 Main Cover Bizarro with Dreamer and Harley DC

  • Writer: Nicole Maines
  • Artist: Eddy Barrows, José Luis
  • Inker: Eber Ferreira, Adriano Di Benedetto
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Becca Carey
  • Cover Artist: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Adriano Lucas

Harley Quinn

First Appearance
Batman: The Animated Series

Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel

Suicide Squad, Gotham City Sirens, Quinntets, Gang of Harleys, Secret Six, Justice League of Anarchy, Batman family

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