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Harry Potter’s Professor Sprout Actor Reveals How Much She Earned


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Miriam Margolyes is known for her role as Professor Sprout in Harry Potter, but the star says she was not happy with her salary while filming part.

British performer Miriam Margolyes, best known for her role as Professor Sprout in the Harry Potter movies, reveals how much she earned while making the films. As the Harry Potter books rapidly grew in international popularity during the late 90s, it was only a matter of time before they received a cinematic rendition. This came to fruition in 2001 when Daniel Radcliffe made his film debut as Harry Potter in The Sorcerer’s Stone. The movies were so successful that they went on to gross over $6 billion and lead to the development of another Wizarding World series, Fantastic Beasts.


Margolyes initially joined the Harry Potter cast as Professor Pomona Sprout in The Chamber of Secrets. Professor Sprout not only teaches Herbology class as Hogwarts, but she also serves as Head of Hufflepuff House. The books and movies both showcase the Herbology teacher’s proficiency cultivating magical plants. Harry Potter enthusiasts will recall that it was Professor Sprout’s crop of Mandrakes that led to one of the more humorous moments in The Chamber of Secrets, and more importantly served as a cure to those petrified by the Basilisk.

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The Harry Potter films were largely responsible for fueling interest in the franchise and increasing its financial success, however, not all the movies’ stars were thrilled with their salaries while filming. In a recent interview with Metro, Margolyes admitted that she used to complain about being unhappy with her compensation while filming. Read below to see how much the Harry Potter star made and why she no longer complains about it:

“I never made Harry Potter millions. I think the three of four main people did, and they deserve it, but my character didn’t. I was only in two, and I only got £60,000 for being Professor Sprout, but I’m not grumbling… now. I grumbled then, but it made me very famous.”

Harry Potter Is A Blessing And Curse For Margolyes

Excluding any additional compensation received post-production, Margolyes earnings for portraying Professor Sprout were roughly $69,000. This amount may not seem like much compared to that of Radcliffe, who earned over $100 million for his time as Harry, but it is no small amount if screen time is taken into consideration. Although Margolyes’ portrayal of Professor Sprout is a memorable one, she only appears in two movies and is given a mere total of two minutes screen time. The films may not have made Margolyes millions, but they did provide a respectable salary and something almost as important, fame.

Margolyes’ short stint as Professor Sprout opened to door to many future career opportunities and established her as a well-known public figure. Unfortunately, fame did come with some drawbacks. Margolyes has admitted that she “doesn’t like children very much”, specifically babies and “silly” children. This can be an issue for someone known for starring in a franchise that attracts younger viewers. Professor Sprout may have been a Hufflepuff in Harry Potter, but the Sorting Hat may want to relocate Margolyes to Slytherin after her revelations about children.

Next: How Old The Harry Potter Cast Is In Return To HogwartsSource: Metro

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