Mississippi Digital News

Inspire MSU students with a #BulldogBoost


This year has been challenging—especially for students. And as the semester comes to an end, words of encouragement are needed more than ever to help our Bulldog students finish strong. Through the exciting #BulldogBoost campaign, alumni and friends like you can provide invaluable support to keep students’ spirits up and remind them of the Bulldog family’s lifelong support!

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Gifts have come in to support the MSU Fund, CARE Fund, Bully’s Closet, Athletic Support Fund, Compass Scholarships, Shackoul’s Honors College and various colleges and scholarship funds. We have raised close to $40,000 and have received 100’s of messages online and in the mail thus far. While a gift is not required, your ongoing support for all areas of campus is always appreciated.

Learn more and see a listing of inspiring messages at www.msufoundation.com/bulldogboost.
