Mississippi Digital News

Jazz and Social Justice: Regina Carter: Swing States, and Getting Out the Vote


With her latest release, “Swing States: Harmony in the Battleground,” the celebrated violinist and composer Regina Carter leads a stellar band through interpretations of familiar songs associated with what we call “swing states”—“Swanee River” (Florida), “Rocky Mountain High” (Colorado), “Georgia on My Mind”. In doing so, she means to highlight the joys and the power of voting, as well the challenges along the road to voting rights. She sees the democratic process as something that can unite us instead of simply dividing us.

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For this virtual event, she and Grammy winning trumpeter, composer and arranger John Daversa will share music from the new release and talk about its creation. Following that, she’ll join series host Larry Blumenfeld, along with Crystal Joseph, VP, League of Women Voters NYC, and Checo Yancy, Policy Director, Voters Organized to Educate, for a discussion about what our votes mean to each of us, and for all of us.
