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Julie Chen Moonves Sends Brutal Warning Shot To Big Brother 25 Player: “Stop Talking!”


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  • Julie Chen Moonves warns power player Jared Fields to “stop talking” in order to help his game and protect his mother, Cirie, in Big Brother 25.
  • Jared’s wins in challenges have helped Cirie so far, but Julie emphasizes the need for him to win more challenges and remain discreet.
  • The confrontation caused by Jared’s attempt to gather information has made him and Cirie the houseguests. Cirie will have to win the next HOH competition to keep them safe.

Big Brother 25 host Julie Chen Moonves has some words of warning for power player Jared Fields: “Stop talking.” Jared entered the Big Brother house as one of the 16 new houseguests competing for the $750,000 grand prize. However, his fellow players were shocked to discover that one of the milestone season’s twist was that Survivor legend and The Traitors season 1 winner Cirie Fields was added as the 17th houseguest. What they didn’t know is that Cirie is Jared’s mother. Since then, Jared and Cirie have been working together, but hiding their relationship.

In a clip from What Watch Happens Live With Andy Cohen, tweeted by @bbfangirlwrld, Julie was asked if Jared’s Big Brother 25 gameplay was helping or hurting Cirie. She replied, “Helping this week because he wins challenges. And I’m telling you, she had a huge target on her back.”

Julie was referring to the fact that Jared won the Power of Veto, which prevented Cameron Hardin from backdooring Cirie because Jared left the nominations the same. Jared then won the next Head of Household (HOH) competition, which kept both himself and Cirie safe for another week. However, Julie added, “So right now, if he could win more challenges, and stop talking … great.”

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Will Jared Fields Ultimately Hurt Cirie’s Big Brother 25 Game?

Jared Fields and Cirie Fields from Big Brother 25, smiling

Although Jared is a competition beast, winning two HOH and one Power of Veto competition so far this season, Julie is right that he needs to stop talking in order to keep himself and Cirie safe in the game. This past week, Cirie asked Jared to try to find out if the houseguests were planning to flip their votes and evict Izzy Gleicher instead of Felicia Cannon. Instead of subtly gathering information, Jared ended up in a heated confrontation with several houseguests, including Cory Wurtenberger, who’d been working with his showmance, America Lopez to flip the vote. His lies were exposed, and many houseguests turned away from him.

This confrontation resulted in the houseguests voting out Izzy in order to try to weaken Cirie and Jared. Jared and Cirie are now the houseguests’ number one targets, and they don’t even know that they’re related. Although it seems that Jared will be able to eliminate Cameron this week, he is ineligible to play for HOH during the double eviction. It’ll be up to Cirie to win the HOH competition to keep them safe. Otherwise, one of them will have to win the Power of Veto.

During Jared’s HOH reign, Cirie offered herself as the replacement nominee if Cameron were to win the Power of Veto. She knew Cameron staying in the house would be disastrous for Jared’s game, but if he evicted her, he could repair that relationship. Although Cirie’s plan ended up being unnecessary, it showed that she was willing to sacrifice herself for her son. Jared was unwilling to go through with that plan because he’d never nominate his own mother. While Cirie and Jared work to protect each other in the game, Julie is right that Jared needs to keep a low profile in order to go further in Big Brother 25.

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10:00 p.m. EDT and Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EDT on CBS.

Source: @bbfangirlwrld/Twitter

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