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Marvel Admits Spider-Man’s Iconic Nickname Makes No Sense in the Modern Day


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  • Peter Parker reflects on his hero career, admitting that the “Friendly Neighborhood” moniker no longer fits.
  • Spider-Man’s dialogue suggests he’s outgrown the local hero label, now more of a world-class hero.
  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2024 Annual #1 highlights Spider-Man’s evolving role, emphasizing his cosmic adventures over neighborhood focus.

Warning: Spoilers for The Amazing Spider-Man 2024 Annual #1!

Over the years, one iconic Spider-Man nickname has become less applicable, as for some time readers have questioned whether the Webslinger still qualifies as a “friendly neighborhood” hero. Now, as Peter Parker reflects on his hero career in the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man annual, even he admits that his long-time moniker doesn’t quite fit.

In a preview released by AIPT, for The Amazing Spider-Man 2024 Annual #1 – written by Derek Landy, with art by Ron Lim – Peter Parker recognizes that he is a different superhero than he was in his early years. His dialogue makes it clear that Spider-Man has outgrown the “Friendly Neighborhood” moniker, something that fans have suggested for years now.

In a brief monologue before engaging in an encounter with Overtime, Spider-Man talks about how he might not be the same friendly neighborhood masked vigilante that he used to be.

Spider-Man has been called many different things over the years, including, but not limited to: Spidey, the Webslinger, the Wallcrawler, Web-head, Webs, and of course, “the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.”


Spider-Man’s Codename Gets a Bold New Origin in Marvel Lore

Spider-Man is one of the most well-known superheroes in the world, but his world-famous codename just took on a heartfelt new backstory.

Peter Parker Is Ready To Retire Spider-Man’s “Friendly Neighborhood” Moniker

The Amazing Spider-Man 2024Annual #1 – By Derek Landy, Ron Lim, Don Ho, & Israel Silva

Spider-Man unmasking himself during Civil War.

After being a superhero for decades, crimefighting is a career at this point for [Peter Parker.] Not everybody loves going into their job every single day…and there will always be some bad days, where a worker isn’t going to feel like following the usual script. Spidey is having one of those days.

During his monologue in the preview for The Amazing Spider-Man 2024 Annual #1, Spider-Man refers to being the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man as “an act,” one that he finds difficult to keep up 24/7. Particularly in this instance, where he’s not in a mood to be so friendly after watching a man die the day before. Peter Parker’s agitation seers with each thought bubble, and even more so in his interaction with Overtime. His lines read very much like a man who is getting increasingly irritated with every step he takes on this day.

As a reader, it is easy to see where that irritation comes from. Spider-Man is basically in the prime of his career, having done this for years at this point. A lot has changed since Spider-Man’s first appearance, and after being a superhero for decades, crimefighting is a career at this point for him. Not everybody loves going into their job every single day, especially after working it for years, and there will always be some bad days, where a worker isn’t going to feel like following the usual script. Spidey is having one of those days.

Currently, Spider-Man has more world-spanning, even space-spanning adventures, than he does in his local NYC neighborhood anymore. Spider-Man is more of a cosmic hero than a neighborhood hero nowadays

Spider-Man Has Grown Beyond The Neighborhood, Into A World-Class Hero

Spidey Is No Longer A Local Vigilante

Spider-Man driving a space ship, saying he feels "hangry" because someone ate his hot dog.

Even beyond acknowledging that the “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” is a front, Spider-Man hasn’t been a man of the neighborhood for a long time. New York crimes used to be Spidey’s bread and butter, but currently, Spider-Man has more world-spanning, even space-spanning adventures, than he does in his local NYC neighborhood anymore. Spider-Man is more of a cosmic hero than a neighborhood hero nowadays, so the neighborhood moniker isn’t accurate for that reason alone. Spider-Man isn’t always going to feel friendly, but he’s long graduated beyond being a neighborhood street hero.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2024 Annual

#1 will be available July 3, 2024 from Marvel Comics.

Source: AIPT Comics

Spider-Man Swinging in Dodson Comic Art


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.

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