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Marvel Fakes Its Most Shocking Resurrection


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This article contains spoilers for The Amazing Spider-Man #10.Marvel’s Spider-Man comics just faked their most shocking resurrection. No Marvel superhero is harder on themselves than Spider-Man. There’s a sense in which he’s defined by guilt over the deaths of his loved ones – the murder of his beloved Uncle Ben, and the later death of Gwen Stacy. This tragedy was really the moment when Peter Parker grew up, facing the harsh reality that people would die even if he used his powers for good.


It is fitting, then, that the A.X.E. Judgment Day event has played to Spider-Man’s guilt over these deaths. This event has seen a cosmic Celestial decide to judge every single human being on the planet, and with some people the Celestial has chosen to manifest in the form of lost loved ones. These visions can only be seen by their subjects, meaning right now countless people scattered over the Marvel Universe seem to be talking to themselves a lot of the time. Spider-Man, for his part, finds himself haunted by a vision of the dead Gwen Stacy.

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Amazing Spider-Man #10, by Zeb Wells and Nick Dragotta, tells the story of Spider-Man’s judgment. To Spider-Man’s surprise, the Celestial deems him worthy – and then gives him a reward, as the vision of Gwen Stacy transforms into the real deal. For one stunning moment it looks as though Gwen Stacy has been resurrected, as the two share a beautiful moment in which Gwen expresses surprise at being restored to this plane of existence. “I’ve been somewhere for a long time,” she tells him, confirming she’s presumably been in one of Marvel’s afterlife dimensions. But it turns out this restoration is only temporary, a boon granted by the Celestial to give Peter some comfort. “I’m leaving, Peter,” Gwen tells him. “He says he just wanted to give us a moment… to see that beautiful heart of yours open.

Why Did Marvel Tease Gwen Stacy’s Resurrection?

The death of Gwen Stacy is generally seen as one of the most important comic book stories of all time, and it’s generally believed to have marked the end of the Silver Age of comics, ushering in a new era of darker, more realistic comic book stories. The death of Uncle Ben has always motivated Peter Parker to continue as Spider-Man, but Gwen’s death made him realize the cost of being Spider-Man. It cements the idea that Peter must pay a price to be a hero, and that tragically often that price is also paid by the ones he loves. The Celestial’s decision to appear as Gwen Stacy is a smart approach, because it forces Spider-Man to confront this reality.

Zeb Wells’ Amazing Spider-Man run is defined by a mysterious event that hasn’t been seen, one that has shattered Spider-Man’s life. Amazing Spider-Man #10 finally gives a hint as to the nature of this, suggesting Peter attempted to reverse an unknown death. In thematic terms, then, it’s so very appropriate for Spider-Man to be given a moment with the girl who he’d give anything to see resurrected.

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The Amazing Spider-Man #10 is available now from Marvel Comics.

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