Mississippi Digital News

MIMA SUMMIT 2015 Morning Keynote: Wild Efficiency: The Science Behind Social With Oliver Luckett


Social media is as revolutionary to our culture as the printing press and it has turned phones and computers into doorways that lead to an endless landscape of connectivity. Global social media revenue lands around $20b each year, yet in 2014 only 2% of posts from brands with more than 500,000 likes on Facebook actually reached their fans according to Ogilvy. Furthermore, less than 1% actually interacted with those posts, meaning brands are wasting money at an unprecedented rate.

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Queue Oliver Luckett who is teaching audiences around the world how to connect the dots by providing real value to the system instead of merely marketing on popular platforms. In this highly requested talk, Luckett moves from behind the scenes of digital innovation to stages across the world to share his one-of-a-kind stories, insights, and tangible expertise that he has learned in the trenches of the tech space. From market trends and brand identity, to data analytics, 21 century marketing campaigns and beyond, Luckett shows audiences how to harness the power of social media by converting posts into interactions, and in turn, major revenue.
