Mississippi Digital News

🔴 Mosaic Church Live Service Broadcast | Sunday 9:30 am


Thank you for joining us for our service today! Feel free to interact and dialogue with others in the comment section of this broadcast throughout the service. Start off by introducing yourself and let us know where you’re watching from and who you’re watching with!

New to Mosaic? Click here to fill out our online connect card: https://bit.ly/2UCJ30V

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

Your gift helps to fuel and fund the mission here at Mosaic Church. Click here to participate in the online giving portion of today’s service: https://bit.ly/2Ujs1pC

If you have questions about Jesus or need prayer please email us at prayer@mosaicgc.com. Our staff and prayer volunteers would be honored to pray for you.

Enjoy today’s service!
