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Raising Godly Kids In A Messed Up World – Week 2: Helping Your Children Love God. (Full Service)


June 9th, 2024, Lead Pastor Andrew McLean.

In this powerful sermon, we continue our series on “Raising Godly Kids in a Messed-Up World.” Raising children has always been challenging, but today’s societal pressures make it seem almost impossible. Many parents feel overwhelmed, and rightly so. Even comparing the experiences of our 19-year-old to his childhood highlights how much the world has changed in just a few years. Today’s children face mental health issues, overwhelming anxiety, depression, relentless bullying, and exposure to inappropriate content through cell phones and social media.

The alarming rate of mental health issues among children today demands our attention. Kids as young as nine are battling anxiety and depression, often exacerbated by bullying and social media. The instant access to unlimited information, much of it harmful, poses a significant challenge for parents. Children are exposed to pornography, gender confusion, and other ungodly influences through their devices. Reflecting on my own childhood, despite the lack of internet and cell phones, I still experienced fear and confusion from a simple church movie night. Now, children witness real-time horrors from around the world on social media.

Given these modern challenges, it’s crucial to equip ourselves with tools to raise Godly children. Contrary to popular belief, raising Godly children is not only possible but also our responsibility. God has placed us here, at this time, to serve, love, teach, lead, and minister to the next generation.

The foundation of our approach lies in the Shema from Deuteronomy 6:4-9, a central prayer in Judaism. It emphasizes loving God with all our heart, soul, and strength and instilling His commandments in our children. To raise Godly kids in today’s world, God must be the central part of our daily lives—our behaviors, habits, and customs must reflect a Christ-centered family, not just a Christian one. Christ-centered families make intentional choices based on a true love for God, unlike cultural Christians who merely believe because they think they should.

Parents are the primary influencers in their children’s lives. While the church family can support, the voice and culture parents instill at home are paramount. To impress spiritual truths on our children, we must talk about God regularly, making Him an integral part of our lives, not just an optional feature we call upon in times of trouble.

Practical Advice for Parents

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We Don’t Risk Enough: Many parents prioritize avoiding risk and pain for their children. While it’s essential to keep our children safe, overprotection can rob them of the confidence they need to succeed in the real world. Experiencing failure and heartache is crucial for building resilience and faith in God.

We Sweep in to Rescue Too Quickly: Parents often rush to rescue their children from uncomfortable situations, depriving them of valuable life lessons. Allowing children to face consequences helps them learn and grow. The parable of the prodigal son illustrates the importance of letting children learn from their mistakes and returning to God on their own.

We Model Our Values Too Weakly: Parents must actively live out their faith in Jesus. Children learn more from what they see than what they hear. Hypocrisy—saying one thing and doing another—can drive children away from God. Consistent, genuine faith is crucial for raising Godly children.

Practical Steps to Raise Godly Kids

Expose Children to the Joy of Knowing God: Our goal should be to let children see us worshiping, praying, and experiencing God’s power and peace. Make talking about God a natural part of everyday life. Normalize discussing His blessings and interventions.

Expose Children to God’s Presence and Power in Church: Ensure that children are regularly involved in church activities. The experience of being in a spiritually charged environment can lead to personal encounters with God. Consistent church attendance and involvement help children develop their own faith.

Final Thoughts

Raising Godly children requires making Christ the center of all aspects of life. This isn’t about balancing different life segments but integrating Christ into every part of our lives—marriage, parenting, career, and activities. The Shema calls us to a lifestyle where God is central, not just a Sunday routine. If things are out of order in your life, start today to make Jesus the center. Parents overwhelmed by the task need the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Embrace Jesus, and let Him lead your family.
