Mississippi Digital News

SCOTUS End-of-Term SPECIAL! With Jeremy Dys and Stu Burguiere | The News & Why It Matters | 7/1/22


Jeremy Dys of First Liberty Institute and BlazeTV’s Stu Burguiere join the program to discuss the most significant rulings of the previous Supreme Court term and what these rulings mean for America going forward.


Freedom Project Academy is built on Judeo-Christian values and classical curriculum. They’re dedicated to providing mastery of subject matter, not leftist propaganda. Go to https://FreedomForSchool.com and get your kids enrolled today.

Court-packing is a real threat to our country. That’s why First Liberty is gathering a coalition of 1 MILLION patriots to say NO to court-packing, NO to the liberal agenda, NO to the Supreme Court coup. Go to https://SupremeCoup.com to sign First Liberty’s letter.

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Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating, and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government! Visit MomsForLiberty.org/SARA today!

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