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Spider-Man’s Most Dangerous Web Attack Can Take Down Captain Marvel


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Spider-Man can officially take down Captain Marvel – but his dangerous strategy involves shooting webs directly down her throat.

Warning: SPOILERS for All-Out Avengers #5Marvel’s Spider-Man can officially defeat Captain Marvel with one of the most terrifying web attacks in recent memory – and something that seems too cruel for Peter Parker. The two Avengers couldn’t be more different: one is a flying brick-type Air Force pilot who can fly through space and shoot energy blasts from her hands, while the other is a young adult from Queens with webshooters and absurdly terrible luck. But in All-Out Avengers #5, it’s Captain Marvel’s turn to run out of luck as Spider-Man defeats Carol Danvers with a disturbing attack involving webs directly shot down her throat.


Spider-Man and Captain Marvel, despite being very different heroes, actually share a romantic history. In the comics, Peter Parker and Carol Danvers are much closer in age than their counterparts in the MCU (Peter is anywhere from his late 20s to early 30s while Carol is in her early 30s), and the two actually went out on a series of dates. Carol and Peter parted amicably, but they still fight as members of the Avengers. When comparing their powers in terms of a one-on-one fight, one would think Captain Marvel has the advantage in nearly every possible scenario – but Peter has a trick up his sleeve.

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Spider-Man Takes Out Captain Marvel With One Move.

Spider-Man defeats Captain Marvel

In All-Out Avengers #5, written by Derek Landy with art by Greg Land, Spider-Man desperately avoids the Avengers after the team’s minds are scrambled by a resequencer that Peter must fix to fix their memories. Unfortunately, the Avengers believe Spider-Man’s mind is also scrambled and race to take him down. Captain Marvel grabs Peter by the throat, but Peter tosses a small pill in Carol’s mouth. “I’m really sorry about this, Carol” he apologizes as the web canister detonates inside Captain Marvel, filling her lungs with webbing. “Try not to panic – that webbing will dissolve in less than sixty seconds!” he shouts as he swings away. “I promise!”

Note that Captain Marvel can breathe in space and in water, so this attack is non-lethal to her – but it is still terrifying to witness. The webbing is disarming enough to temporarily immobilize someone with the powers of Captain Marvel, and for anyone else, the attack would be a killing stroke. Moreover, if Captain Marvel wasn’t Spider-Man’s ally, she would have retaliated against him with overwhelming force.

This one attack proves that Spider-Man is far more deadly than anyone could possibly expect. This is something of a reoccurring theme in Spider-Man stories: he holds back his immense strength constantly. If Spider-Man can defeat Captain Marvel with relative ease, he could likely defeat the other members of the Avengers as well…but only if he was truly furious.

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All-Out Avengers #5 is available now from Marvel Comics.

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