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Spider-Man’s Shapeshifting Picotech Suit Gets The Spotlight in New Cosplay


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  • New Spider-Man cosplay features a shape-shifting symbiote suit inspired by
    Spider-Man: The Animated Series
    and Ultimate Spider-Man’s picotech design.
  • @wens.1998 showcases Spider-Man in various iconic looks made complete by impeccable photo editing also provided by @wens.1998.
  • This homage to Spider-Man’s versatile suits highlights his black suit, traditional outfit, Scarlet Spider design, Fantastic Four look, and more.

Marvel’s Friendly Neighborhood Hero, Spider-Man, is a spectacular arachnid-based crime-fighter with a set of iconic blue and red spandex that are recognizable to fans across the globe as well as those outside of the nerd circles Spidey is constantly celebrated in. Having worn more than his fair share of suits over the decades, a new cosplay image has given Spider-Man a symbiote-like and picotech-esque design that allows him to change into multiple versions of these superhero looks instantaneously!

Recently shared on Instagram, @wens.1998 is a prolific talent who specializes in not only designing and wearing his own comic-accurate costumes but also acts as the photographer and digital artist of his own work as well as countless others from across the cosplay community.

Creating images featuring Spider-Man in his black symbiote suit, Ben Reilly’s version of the character, and even an impressive Spider-Verse-inspired photo, @wens.1998 also adapts famous Spider-Man moments into cosplay form like Kraven’s victory over Spider-Man in the dark storyline Grim Hunt, and always seems to find a way to top himself with each new post.


Spider-Man Cosplay Perfectly Recreates His Most Brutal Loss to Kraven

Spider-Man and Kraven have been enemies for decades, with a new cosplay image killing Spidey off, inspired by the pair’s brutal “Grim Hunt” story arc.

Spider-Man Gets A Symbiote Suit Cosplay Reminiscent of His Picotech Design

Cosplay Design By @wens.1998

Many different versions of Spider-Man costumes, gathered together, with classic red-and-blue in front.

A design referenced in @wens.1998’s post as being inspired by Spider-Man: The Animated Series take on Spider-Man’s black symbiote suit, specifically, the blue aura the outfit produces when it changes forms, the shape-shifting ability this Spider-Man costume provides is one well documented in the recent relaunch of Marvel’s Ultimate Universe. Given to an adult Peter Parker by Earth-6160’s Tony Stark, Spider-Man’s “picotech” suit first sees him dressed in a familiar black suit, with its nanotech-like particles allowing Spider-Man to swap costumed looks on the fly — an idea @wens.1998 runs with wholeheartedly.

First starting out wearing a sleek black symbiote Spider-Man suit, @wens.1998 edits his next photo to look as if it’s pulsing blue and then, little by little, shows it morphing into Spidey’s traditional red and blue threads. Next, shown dressed in Ben Reilly’s hooded Scarlet Spider get-up, @wens.1998 offers up two more costume designs, one that looks to be the original, less streamlined costume Spider-Man debuted in (or possibly a take on the infamous Japanese live-action version of Spider-Man) and finally, one that turns Spidey into a member of The Fantastic Four!

Ultimate Spider-Man Has A Shape-Shifting Suit With Symbiote-Like Abilities

Ultimate Spider-Man's pico suit disintegrating on his face as he tries to stop it

This symbiote/picotech shape-shifting cosplay is a perfect homage to a comic idea that brings together some of Spidey’s most iconic looks, but it’s @wens.1998’s impeccable photo editing skills that also help this post soar, with each new design making the jump from comic panel to live-action in a way that should make Hollywood jealous. Spider-Man always has a lot of great cosplays swirling around the community, so here’s hoping @wens.1998 decides to follow up this post with even more variations from Peter’s long and storied history as one of Marvel’s best-dressed costumed heroes.

Source: @wens.1998

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