Mississippi Digital News

Start a Personal Care Home or Assisted Living Facility in Mississippi |Why MS is Such A Good State


Start a Personal Care Home or Assisted Living Facility in Mississippi for DD Populations

Schedule Consultation. Visit: http://nbhsllc.com/featured-consults/
PH: 800.214.2611

Start a ID or DD Group Home in MS. Best Business for MS Nurses and Healthcare Workers. Get Consultation.
Daily per diem is at $240.00 and 4 individuals are allowed in the home. This equates to about $32,000 per month. Start a Group Home in MS and work on Your Jobs Exit Plan.

See MS Facility Regulations document:

See DOJ MS Lawsuit Document:

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

See MS Envision (Medicaid Provider Portal)

The Justice Department today filed a complaint against the state of Mississippi, alleging that it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) by failing to provide adults with mental illness with necessary integrated, community-based mental health services. The community integration mandate of the ADA and the Supreme Court’s decision in Olmstead v. L.C. require states to make services available to people with disabilities – including people with mental illness – in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.

The state’s failure to provide services in community settings forces adults with mental illness to access services and care in segregated state hospitals, including the Mississippi State Hospital, East Mississippi State Hospital, North Mississippi State Hospital and South Mississippi State Hospital. Under Olmstead, unnecessarily forcing people with disabilities to enter institutions to get services constitutes unlawful discrimination.

In December 2011, after conducting a comprehensive investigation, the department found that the state’s system for serving individuals with mental health disabilities violates the ADA.

The department found that the state unnecessarily institutionalizes adults and children with disabilities and fails to ensure that they have access to necessary services and supports in the community.

The state has recognized these failures but has not yet implemented the required reforms to meet the needs of persons with disabilities.


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