Mississippi Digital News

State leaders discuss tax cuts


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Lawmakers may be out of the 2024 Legislative Session, but there is already work underway about possibly cutting taxes next year. House Speaker Jason White announced that he is forming a study committee to look at the state’s tax laws and where cuts can be made – reducing the grocery tax is one area, state income tax is another. Governor Tate Reeves was a supporter of income tax cuts last session, he said he would like to see reductions in what people have to pay. “I am very encouraged that Speaker White has formed the task force to look at our revenue streams. I just believe very strongly that you let more Mississippians keep more of their money its good for them it is good for the economy and it’s good for our state,” Reeves said. While some Democratic leaders have supported lowering the grocery tax, there are others who are guarded about making cuts without helping state hospitals or expanding Medicaid.

Lawmakers may be out of the 2024 Legislative Session, but there is already work underway about possibly cutting taxes next year.

House Speaker Jason White announced that he is forming a study committee to look at the state’s tax laws and where cuts can be made – reducing the grocery tax is one area, state income tax is another.

Governor Tate Reeves was a supporter of income tax cuts last session, he said he would like to see reductions in what people have to pay.

“I am very encouraged that Speaker White has formed the task force to look at our revenue streams. I just believe very strongly that you let more Mississippians keep more of their money its good for them it is good for the economy and it’s good for our state,” Reeves said.

While some Democratic leaders have supported lowering the grocery tax, there are others who are guarded about making cuts without helping state hospitals or expanding Medicaid.

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