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The Fantastic Four’s Joseph Quinn Talks Replacing Chris Evans As Marvel’s Human Torch


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This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.


  • Joseph Quinn discusses taking over the role of Human Torch from Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s
    Fantastic Four
  • Quinn acknowledges the responsibility of playing the iconic hero and aims to stay true to fans’ expectations.
  • Between his own excitement to play the lighter side of the character and the responsibility that comes with playing a character who is meant to embody ”
    “, Quinn is already establishing himself as a worthwhile successor to Evans.

With a production start on the movie right around the corner, Joseph Quinn is discussing how it feels to be taking over the role of the Human Torch in The Fantastic Four from Chris Evans.

During a recent interview with Men’s Health to discuss the release of A Quiet Place: Day One, Quinn dove in a bit to the upcoming Fantastic Four MCU reboot. In reflecting on carrying on the role of the Human Torch from Chris Evans in the 2000s Marvel movies, Quinn acknowledged the major “responsibility” of playing the iconic hero, given “people care about these characters“, and assures that he is taking the task “very seriously” to stay true to what audiences hope to see from the role. Check out what Quinn said below:

It was great! It was a really lovely way to announce it — it was very sweet, and people responded well to it. It’s a little surreal, obviously. I’d be remiss to not acknowledge the fact that this stuff is something that people feel very strongly about. People care about these characters, and what heroism means to people, and that it can provide some light in dark times, and examples as well of how to conduct oneself, without trying to get too lofty. It’s a responsibility that I’m taking very seriously, and we all are. And we’re also going to have a lot of fun with it.


Source: Men’s Health

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.

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