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The Good Doctor – 39 Differences


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We are here again! The Good Doctor 6×13 “39 Differences” is a very emotional episode that revolves around Shaun’s fears and the true meaning of home. Time for a review!

Here we go!

I found Shaun quite cute in “39 Differences.” I loved seeing him worry like that about his relationship with Lea. The baby will indeed change everything and the point here is that Shaun can’t predict the future.

Nobody knows what will happen next, the only sure thing is the love that Shaun and Lea feel and the firm will they have to strive every day to overcome the obstacles that come their way. That has to be enough… because life doesn’t give more certainties.

And the future is something no one can control, despite Shaun’s need to. Also, if even Sally and her arguing husband can see beyond that and just share a moment of joy for the well-being of their son… well, there’s nothing Shaun and Lea can’t do to get over. The moment when Shaun realizes this and just takes Lea’s hand, not needing anything else is one of the most precious scenes this show gave us.

What I didn’t like too much about this storyline is Lea’s attitude. I mean, I understand the point was for her and Shaun not to talk so that in the end he figured it all out on his own. However, I felt as if Shaun needed to talk to Lea to calm his fears and she didn’t give enough importance to Shaun’s feelings and fears. It all worked out in the end so in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter, I just didn’t feel entirely comfortable watching it.

In “39 Differences,” Glassy struggles to rebuild a life…that isn’t there anymore. The remains of his house are not only the remains of the place where he lived but the only thing that he feels unites him with his daughter. So he tries his hardest to get that back, not realizing that it’s not there anymore.

That is, the memories of his daughter will always be part of him, but they are not in that house, but in his heart.

In this episode of The Good Doctor, the house is used as a symbol of home. Glassy’s home was within those walls for many years because there he felt close to his daughter, but now that those walls are gone, he feels lost.

The point is that now, Glassy’s home is with his new family: Lea, Shaun, and the baby. He will never forget his little girl and her loss will always feel like a hole in his heart, but it only took Glassy seeing Shaun and Lea by his side, amid the ruins of his house, to understand that home is where the heart is and that has nothing to do with walls. That’s beautiful.

PS: I cried with all the patients we saw in the episode.

This is where our The Good Doctor review ends. We will be back on February 27 with a new review.

Agree? Disagree? Don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comments below!

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