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Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For May 25, 2024 (Puzzle #348)


Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

Welcome to the weekend, and welcome to a new set of Connections. We barely pulled out a win in today’s game, but it was still successful. That’s one of the best things about the game, you really only need to solve three of the four categories and let the leftover words glide you into home base. That’s a sports reference, I know sports.

If you’re out there struggling yourself, we always recommend using Connection’s Shuffle button when you get stuck. This simple process can often help your brain see new possible matches. It also helps break down any incorrect word combinations that you might be focusing on. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s a quick and simple trick to help out when you’re in a jam.


10 Best Connections Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Four categories with four words each sounds simple, but the daily challenge of the Connections game can prove difficult without a few tips to help.

Today’s Connections Category Hints

May 25 #348

Connections May 25 The word Categories in a big box with a blue background

Look, we get it, you’re here for the answers but hear me out. Try just checking out today’s categories. Sometimes, just a little nudge in the right direction can help you score your own win. You could also just totally ignore all this and move down to the answers. I am not here to judge you, but ask yourself, WWWD (What Would Wyna Do)?

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar


Today’s Connections Answers

May 25 #348

Connections May 25 The word Answers in a big box with a blue background

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained


A yellow Connections game bar





SIGN, ENDORSE, SUPPORT, ENDORSE, and INITIAL. These are the words that were almost our downfall. I think we ended up wasting almost every attempt trying to make this incorrect “Supportive” category work. But luckily, after a few shuffles, we say BILLBOARD and POSTER. That was what altered the course and brought us to score the yellow category. After that, it was easy sailing, although we were still very careful since we only had one chance left.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained


A green Connections game bar





Green came in second for us and happened fairly quickly after yellow was scored. FIRST and INITIAL were the two that started it off and it didn’t take long to match up the rest. MAIDEN took us a little longer than PREMIER to see, but that’s just because we couldn’t let go of the wedding-theme connection with that word.


NYT Mini Crossword: 8 Strategies To Solve It Fast

This tricky little five by five crossword isn’t always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends’ times!

Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained


A blue Connections game bar





Once we were down to eight words it was clear that the “Supportive” category we insisted existed did actually exist. We were just looking at it incorrectly. The purple words stood out as not working alongside these so it was a fast sprint to the finish line (another sports reference.)

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained


A purple Connections game bar





The leftover words for the day, and we totally didn’t see the connection until the category popped up. Another clever way to throw words that normally have nothing to do with each other into the mix. We certainly hope that you had a win for the day as well, but I suppose if you’re reading this then you’ve come here for the answers so you’ve probably already won. Congrats to both of us!

Other Games Like Connections

Before you charge head-first into the comments to say something that you should probably not say, check out these other browser-based games, and be kind to each other.

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