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Today’s Top News Headlines and Latest News at 10:30 am on 26th October 2022


Today’s Top News Headlines and Latest News at 10:30 am on 26th October 2022

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You are listening to the Expresso News Update. Here is the latest news from The Indian Express.
“Let us begin with the top news of the day: Outgoing Chinese envoy to India Sun Weidong has said that India and China need to respect each other’s political systems and uphold the principle of non-interference in internal affairs,

In his farewell remarks posted on the Chinese embassy website on Tuesday, the Sun said, “China and India are important neighbours…it is only natural for China and India to have some differences. The key is how to handle the differences. We should be aware that the common interests of the two countries are greater than differences.” Stressing the need for enhancing communication and cooperation, he said that China has optimised the visa application process for Indian citizens.”
“In other news: India on Tuesday issued its second advisory in a week asking its citizens to “leave Ukraine by all available means”.

In the previous advisory, issued on October 19, New Delhi had warned its citizens against travelling to Ukraine and asked students who returned to the country to leave given the “deteriorating security situation”. “In continuation of the advisory issued by the embassy on October 19, 2022, all Indian citizens in Ukraine are advised to immediately leave Ukraine by available means. Some Indian nationals have already left Ukraine under the earlier advisory. They may contact the embassy at the following numbers for any guidance or assistance if required to travel to the border: +380933559958, +380635917881, +380678745945.””

“Meanwhile, A senior executive of oil giant Saudi Aramco spent almost a week in custody in Uttarakhand after he was arrested by police in July for carrying a satellite phone without permission from authorities while on a holiday. He was released after paying a fine of Rs 1,000.

Fergus MacLeod, head of investor relations at Saudi Aramco, told the UK’s Financial Times he was arrested on July 12 at his hotel in the Valley of Flowers National Park. The 62-year-old was held in prison in the town of Chamoli until July 18. According to the FT report, authorities detained the British executive after picking up the coordinates of the phone.

“In news from New Delhi: This year, the day after Diwali has seen the cleanest air in Delhi since 2015. This is despite the AQI remaining in the ‘very poor’ category on both Diwali and the day after, with pollution levels recording a surge when firecrackers were set off in violation of the Delhi government’s ban.

The AQI (air quality index) on Diwali day was 312, while it was 303 on Tuesday, according to data from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). AQI between 301 and 400 is considered to be ‘very poor’. The AQI on Diwali day this year is the cleanest that the city has seen since 2019.

Let us now look at the top international news: In his first public address as the Prime Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak vowed to fix the country’s financial state and to build an economy that makes the most of the Brexit opportunities. He said, “My government will build an economy that makes the most of the Brexit opportunities.”

“In news from Italy: Italy’s new far-right-led government of Premier Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday night easily won the first of two required confidence votes in Parliament by a comfortable margin. The vote in the lower Chamber of Deputies was 235 in favour of her coalition government and 154 against, while there were five abstentions. The coalition needed at least 195 votes for a majority.

Today the new government will face a vote in the upper chamber, the Senate, where it also holds a solid majority. Confidence votes are required by the Constitution for new governments.

“Meanwhile, The White House has said that India is an important manufacturer of vaccines for the world, acknowledging the crucial role the country played in supplying vaccines against Covid-19 globally.

“Because of its incredible manufacturing capacity, (India) has been a major exporter of vaccines,” Dr Ashish Jha, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, told reporters at a news conference in Washington on Tuesday.

Responding to a question, Dr Jha said the QUAD partnership – a strategic security dialogue between Australia, India, Japan and the US – on coronavirus was important to the Joe Biden administration.”
“In other news: US President Joe Biden has warned Russia against using nuclear weapons in Ukraine, saying it would be an “incredibly serious mistake”.

The Biden administration had earlier said Russia had given notice that it intended to stage routine drills of its nuclear capabilities while Ukraine’s nuclear energy operator claimed its neighbour was performing some secret work at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant.

“Let me just say: Russia would be making an incredibly serious mistake if it uses a tactical nuclear weapon,” Biden told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. He was responding to a question on whether Russia was preparing to deploy a “dirty bomb” or a nuclear weapon.

“You were listening to the Expresso News Update by The Indian Express. Ask your digital assistant device to play the latest news from the Indian Express to
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