Mississippi Digital News

Trucking and Freight Market June 12, 2024: Capacity Is UP! Diesel is UP!


In general there seems to be a rebalancing more or less, even though capacity is up, but sometimes this data doesn’t translate fully into trucking and personal operations. The rate per mile averages went slightly down for reefers and dry vans, but volumes on the spot market soared for all three equipment types.

CHARTS: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OlTTsETUrbFss5OnTogjc3BGzsBM3Me9?usp=share_link

➣ Dispatch Course: https://miranda-c-s-school.teachable.com/p/trucking-made-successful-dispatching-course

➣ Open a Trucking Company Course: https://miranda-c-s-school.teachable.com/p/trucking-made-successful-carrier-course-starting-and-managing-a-trucking-company

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

➣Trucking Business Planning and Management Course: https://miranda-c-s-school.teachable.com/p/trucking-business-management


➣ RTS Fuel Card: https://www.rtsinc.com/agent-company/trucking-made-successful?

➣ RTS Factoring: https://www.rtsinc.com/agent-company/trucking-made-successful?
