Mississippi Digital News

Trucking and Freight Market May 23 2024: Things Are Looking Up This Week


Second week in a row we are seeing some positive signs in the freight market. It seems like the DOT Inspection week had a longer lasting effect than I had initially thought, and now we are waiting for trucking to turn for the better as we enter the produce season.

➣ Dispatch Course: https://miranda-c-s-school.teachable.com/p/trucking-made-successful-dispatching-course

➣ Open a Trucking Company Course: https://miranda-c-s-school.teachable.com/p/trucking-made-successful-carrier-course-starting-and-managing-a-trucking-company

Beaver Seeds - Get Out and Grow Spring Sasquatch 300x250

➣Trucking Business Planning and Management Course: https://miranda-c-s-school.teachable.com/p/trucking-business-management


➣ RTS Fuel Card: https://www.rtsinc.com/agent-company/trucking-made-successful?

➣ RTS Factoring: https://www.rtsinc.com/agent-company/trucking-made-successful?
