Mississippi Digital News

Trump’s false claim on raising taxes


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For the first time since 2020, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump shared the debate stage Thursday.Similar to the candidates’ previous meetings, some of the statements made during the debate require clarification or further explanation.Our National Investigative Unit fact-checked the June 27 presidential debate on CNN and broke down the context of both candidate’s statements. Claim: Donald Trump made the statement that President Joe Biden wants to raise taxes, saying, “He’s the only one I know, he wants to raise your taxes by four times.”Get the Facts: Looking at an analysis from the nonprofit group, Tax Foundation, President Biden’s proposed tax increases would be about $4.4 trillion over ten years. The Congressional Budget Office says that under current policies, without those proposals, the U.S. would collect $62.6 trillion. So that means, Biden’s policies would increase taxes about 7%. That’s a lot less than “four times,” and many of Biden’s tax proposals would affect corporations and higher-income level taxpayers.

For the first time since 2020, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump shared the debate stage Thursday.

Similar to the candidates’ previous meetings, some of the statements made during the debate require clarification or further explanation.

Our National Investigative Unit fact-checked the June 27 presidential debate on CNN and broke down the context of both candidate’s statements.

Claim: Donald Trump made the statement that President Joe Biden wants to raise taxes, saying, “He’s the only one I know, he wants to raise your taxes by four times.”

Get the Facts: Looking at an analysis from the nonprofit group, Tax Foundation, President Biden’s proposed tax increases would be about $4.4 trillion over ten years. The Congressional Budget Office says that under current policies, without those proposals, the U.S. would collect $62.6 trillion. So that means, Biden’s policies would increase taxes about 7%. That’s a lot less than “four times,” and many of Biden’s tax proposals would affect corporations and higher-income level taxpayers.

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