Mississippi Digital News

Trump’s false claims about the economy


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For the first time since 2020, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump shared the debate stage Thursday.Similar to the candidates’ previous meetings, some of the statements made during the debate require clarification or further explanation. Our National Investigative Unit fact-checked the June 27 presidential debate on CNN and broke down the context of both candidate’s statements.Claim: Former President Donald Trump still repeating a claim we’ve heard before about the economy under his leadership saying, “We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, and we have never done so well. Everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us.”Get the Facts: Economists generally measure our economy’s health by looking at the GDP, which is the gross domestic product, and adjusting it for inflation. That basically means the monetary value of the goods and services we produce here in the U.S. under Trump, the growth was modest. At most, it grew 3% in 2018. An analysis of government date by our partners factcheck.org found. The economy grew at a faster annual rate 48 times and under every president before and after Trump dating back to 1930, except under Barack Obama and Herbert Hoover.

For the first time since 2020, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump shared the debate stage Thursday.

Similar to the candidates’ previous meetings, some of the statements made during the debate require clarification or further explanation.

Our National Investigative Unit fact-checked the June 27 presidential debate on CNN and broke down the context of both candidate’s statements.

Claim: Former President Donald Trump still repeating a claim we’ve heard before about the economy under his leadership saying, “We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, and we have never done so well. Everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us.”

Get the Facts: Economists generally measure our economy’s health by looking at the GDP, which is the gross domestic product, and adjusting it for inflation. That basically means the monetary value of the goods and services we produce here in the U.S. under Trump, the growth was modest. At most, it grew 3% in 2018. An analysis of government date by our partners factcheck.org found. The economy grew at a faster annual rate 48 times and under every president before and after Trump dating back to 1930, except under Barack Obama and Herbert Hoover.

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