Mississippi Digital News

Wednesday Evening Weather


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Wednesday Evening Weather

16 WAPT Chief Meteorologist David Hartman has the latest most accurate weather forecast for Jackson and Central Mississippi

We’ve had *** lot of rain this month and sunshine returns tomorrow *** couple of dry days and temperatures going to be on the Chilly side. Big storm from yesterday up over the northeast, it really came down wind still pretty blustery today on the backside of that with the colder temperatures not true Arctic air, but certainly you can see down to the Gulf coast temperatures have really chilled on down Memphis only 40. In fact high temperatures actually occurred earlier in the day. They’ve just been steady or slowly falling for most of the day and tonight we will settle down into the thirties. Still looks like it will be breezy tonight right on into tomorrow and we’ll start off *** little cloud cover for early thursday and then the sun will come out but it’s gonna be *** struggle just to get to 50. In fact, some of our northern communities gonna stay in the upper forties for *** high temperature. So *** good day tomorrow friday looks like another nice sunny day. High pressure builds over the region probably *** frosty start and temperature is still gonna be down only in the fifties. By the weekend, saturday looks like *** winter with temperatures getting into the low sixties. Unfortunately, it’s *** very active pattern. You can see the moisture down here in the pacific disturbance out there and they’re going to continue to move along the jet stream and by the time we get the sunday another round of rain returns to our area and with high pressure sitting over the Southeast, it’s almost focusing or steering the storms in combination with the jet stream right along there. So we’re looking at sunday. Got another round comes in monday night and Tuesday and may actually linger into the middle of next week. So certainly looks like the first part next week looks like it’s gonna be on the wet side, so becoming sunny with chilly breezes and 50 tomorrow and friday highs only in the fifties. Then it miles up *** little bit, but you can see starting sunday, kind of *** wet weather pattern.

Wednesday Evening Weather

16 WAPT Chief Meteorologist David Hartman has the latest most accurate weather forecast for Jackson and Central Mississippi

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