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X-Men’s Deadly New Threat, The Hex, Revealed As War with Eternals Looms


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The Eternals are bringing out the big guns to take down the X-Men, including the introduction of newly awakened killers called the Hex.

Warning! Spoilers for A.X.E.: Judgment Day #1 by Marvel Comics

The Eternals are about to unleash their secret weapon in their upcoming battle against the X-Men, as new “mega-powered” Eternals called The Hex will be awakened to take on mutants. In a new preview for A.X.E.: Judgment Day #1, the Avengers, X-Men, and Eternals crossover comic, the ancient heroes call upon The Hex, who will be active after millennia of sleep, to wipe out all mutant life from the planet.

The Eternals and X-Men are going to war in the A.X.E.: Judgment Day event by Kieron Gillen and Valerio Schiti from Marvel Comics. The Eternals are going after the mutants believing they are the product of excess deviation and need to be taken out as they swore to protect the planet from all forms of Deviants. The X-Men will do their best to fight back against the mighty heroes as the Avengers will also be thrown into the middle of the battle. However, the Eternals are bringing out the big weapons with Uranos and The Hex coming after the X-Men in the deadly event.


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Marvel Comics is revealing the Eternals’ new weapons in their fight against the X-Men, as they will summon The Hex, as artist Valerio Schiti described them to Marvel.com, as “unstoppable,” “inevitable,” and “primal,” with the sole purpose is to kill and destroy. The “faceless” Hex will represent a serious threat to mutants and Krakoa, as the creatures will use their incredible powers to help the Eternals accomplish their goals of destroying the X-Men’s excess deviation. Check out Schiti’s character designs for The Hex, which reveal the unique looks of Thieaka The Harpsicus, Tetytrona, Syne The Memotaur, Phebe Reginax, Rehaka Centaurus, and Themex.







The X-Men have some uber-powerful heroes and villains who will join the battle against the Eternals, but their collective might still might not be enough against the ancient cosmic race. With Thanos’ grand-uncle Uranos the Undying being freed from Exclusion while joining the fight alongside The Hex, Krakoa might not be left standing when the Eternals are done with the X-Men.

Of course, unleashing Uranos the Undying and The Hex could backfire on the Eternals. After hundreds of thousands of years of being inactive, their motives in the battle against the X-Men and Avengers could lead them to see the Eternals as the villains – although, The Hex seem programmed to work alongside the ancient heroes no matter the circumstance. Readers can see Eternals’ newest weapon, The Hex, debut against the X-Men when A.X.E.: Judgment Day from Marvel Comics comes to comic book stores in July.

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Source: Marvel.com

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