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You Have To Play INTERmission Before FF7 Rebirth


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INTERmission is the PC/PS5 exclusive DLC for FF7 Remake, yet it’s key to understanding future games, as it answers a huge question about FF7 Remake.

Final Fantasy VII Remake had DLC content that can’t be played on PS4, yet it includes important story information that will be relevant to FF7 Rebirth. The FF7 Remake INTERmission DLC stars Yuffie Kisaragi, as she infiltrates Midgar during a covert mission that happens alongside Cloud’s story. Yuffie is the only playable character in her DLC, though there is a guest party member called Sonon, who fights alongside her throughout her story.

INTERmission is set across two chapters, with the first involving Yuffie contacting the main Avalanche branch and using their contacts to sneak into the Shinra Headquarters, in search of a secret “ultimate Materia” that the Shinra scientists are working on. The second chapter of the FF7 Remake DLC involves the break-in, with Yuffie and Sonon running into members of Deepground from Dirge of Cerberus, letting Weiss battle Cloud Strife for the first time in the main story in a new optional battle. Yuffie’s story ends with her witnessing the destruction of the Sector 7 Plate, followed by her leaving Midgar on the back of a chocobo.


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The conclusion of Yuffie’s story wasn’t the end of INTERmission, however, as it then continues on from the ending of FF7 Remake. Cloud and his friends are seen hitchhiking a ride to the town of Kalm, where most fans assumed they would be at the start of FF7 Rebirth. This is followed by a scene that answers a huge mystery about the ending of Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

INTERmission’s Ending Sets Up FF7 Rebirth’s Story

In FF7 Remake, there is a scene where Zack Fair is shown surviving his death at the hands of the Shinra army. FF7 Remake has a new ending to Zack’s life, where Aerith sees a vision of Zack carrying a wounded Cloud back to Midgar. The fact that this was a vision meant that fans were unsure whether it was meant to be taken literally. It’s possible that Aerith was witnessing another timeline, as they had just broken free from their own destiny and had messed up time itself. Also, Zack would have contacted her if he was alive this whole time.

It turned out that the ending of FF7 Remake was meant to be taken literally, as the FF7 Remake INTERmission DLC ending showed Zack alive and well, as he goes to the church in search of Aerith. Unfortunately, she has already left Midgar with Cloud. This means Zack will likely show up in the sequel, but people who have only played FF7 Remake were left with the question of Zack’s survival, while INTERmission confirmed it, so people who played it will know that he’s alive. The FF7 Remake INTERmission DLC sets up the sequel better than the main game, and people without the means to play INTERmission or Intergrade will have to watch people play the Final Fantasy VII Remake DLC on YouTube to prepare for FF7 Rebirth.

Next: FF7 Remake: Developer Interview Confirms Shinra Fan Theory

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