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Nightwing Hits His Lowest Moment in Dark Vision of Dick Grayson’s Future


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Warning! Contains spoilers for Nightwing #116!


  • Heartless is finally ready to bring Nightwing down for good with a devastating plan.
  • Nightwing’s future appears bleak, with a variant cover showing a blind Bitewing.
  • Heartless targets Nightwing at his peak of happiness, ready to ensure a public and devastating fall.

Nightwing has been doing great lately: he’s in a loving relationship with Barbara Gordon, he’s using his wealth to repair and improve the lives of everyone in Blüdhaven, and he’s once again the leader of the Titans. It seems like Nightwing is truly on top, but his villain Heartless is finally ready to orchestrate his long fall to the bottom, as depicted in a chilling new variant cover.

A new variant cover for July’s Nightwing #116 by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo reveals that Dick Grayson’s future may be even more bleak than fans expected. Tirso Cons‘ 1:25 variant cover, as shown in the artist’s X post below, features a bearded Nightwing wearing a coat, clearly incognito, leading his dog “Bitewing” through a dark train station. The real bleak kicker is that Bitewing appears to be blind.

After the uplifting events of Nightwing #113 by Taylor, Marv Wolfman, Daniele Di Niculo, and Redondo, Heartless has decided that it’s the perfect time to bring Dick Grayson down for good. Heartless has been watching Nightwing for nearly a year at this point, and he’s currently the biggest threat to Nightwing’s life. With everything in place, Heartless enacts a plan that will seemingly live Nightwing alone and homeless, as depicted on this cover.


Nightwing Doesn’t Even Know Who His True Nemesis Is

A new preview for Nightwing teases that Heartless will reveal himself to Dick Grayson (who has no idea the new villain is his true foe in Blüdhaven).

Nightwing’s “Fallen Grayson” Arc Could Lead to a Truly Dark Future

Heartless Is Plotting Nightwing’s Downfall

Heartless’ plan will have a devastating effect on Dick’s life.

NIGHTWING #116 (2024)

Nightwing 116 Main Cover Solicits: Deadman floating in front of a temple-like building.

Release Date:

July 17th, 2024


Tom Taylor


Bruno Redondo

Cover Artist:

Bruno Redondo

Variant Covers:

Rian Gonzales, Vasco Georgiev, Tirso Cons

Everything Dick Grayson has built is crumbling around him. His life is spiraling out of control and Heartless is at the center of all of it. Now Nightwing must leave his city. Can he take back the power he’s lost? Or will Blϋdhaven and its citizens be lost to Heartless forever?

Heartless has been the mysterious villain in Blüdhaven for nearly a year now. Very little is known about Heartless other than the fact he seems to be a dark reflection of Bruce Wayne: a psychotic young boy who killed his parents with the help of his butler. Heartless also witnessed the deaths of Nightwing’s parents in Haly’s Circus. This event has linked the two characters, with Heartless being a recurring character in Dick’s life, even bullying him in school, though it’s unlikely Dick remembers him. Heartless wants nothing more than to destroy Nightwing, and it seems he’s finally moving into position to do so.

The “Fallen Grayson” arc begins with
#114, and it marks the beginning of the end of Taylor and Redondo’s award-winning run on the title.

Heartless has been a brutal villain and has killed tons of innocent civilians by ripping out their hearts, but his interactions with Nightwing have been surprisingly minimal. Despite Heartless haunting the streets of Blüdhaven for almost three years now, he has only confronted Nightwing directly a handful of times. This is finally going to change as Heartless promises to bring about the fall of Dick Grayson, and considering the variant cover for Nightwing #116 shows a homeless and disheveled Dick Grayson, with a seemingly now blind Haly by his side, it seems that Heartless’ plan will have a devastating effect on Dick’s life.

Heartless Finally Strikes Out At Nightwing

Will Dick Grayson Survive?

Nightwing 80 Heartless

Nightwing has faced plenty of adversity in the past few months, especially from Amanda Waller during the Beast World event, but he’s come out on top every time so far. Nightwing’s life has been in a better and more stable place than it has in years — which is why Heartless is also at his most dangerous. It’s possible that Heartless intentionally waited for Nightwing to be at his peak of happiness, and now he’s going to finally strike out at Blüdhaven’s hero and do everything he can to make sure Nightwing’s fall is very public and as devastating as possible.

Nightwing #116 is available July 27th, 2024, from DC Comics!

Source: Tirso Cons


Nightwing is the superhero moniker given to various vigilante heroes in the D.C. universe. Nightwing is depicted as a warrior who fights from the shadows, utilizes near-superhuman agility and expert combat skills, and tends to have several tools at their disposal. Though Nightwing began with Kal El/Clark Kent, Nightwing has since been primarily associated with Dick Grayson, a former Robin who grew into the new role.

Created By
Edmond Hamilton , Curt Swan , Marv Wolfman , George Perez

Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Power Girl, Chris Kent

Teen Titans, Titans, Outsiders, Justice League, Batman Inc., Birds of Prey, Young Justice

Human, Kryptonian

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